July 13 – Amtrak

For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

Train travel is luxurious! Super comfy, roomy seats and it goes smooth and fast. It does help that I have 2 seats to myself. My backpack is my partner.

I have just finished reading the details of the trail tomorrow in the PCT Guidebook and Eric the Black’s Trail Atlas. This is brand new country for me and travels north for quite some distance through the Klamath Mountains. It also said that there is A LOT of poison oak. I have only seen photos of this unpleasant plant. I did bring high powered poison oak medicine and wash. Needless to say I am thrilled and nervous. I have a few goals for the next few weeks that I am going to try my hardest to attain.

Number 1

Number 2
Gain back presence, appreciation, observation, and singleness that I so loved on the PCT last summer.

Number 3
Stay healthy! I had quite a scare after the Sierras so I now know that I can get very sick. A new concept.

Thank you BIG for reading along and for the encouraging and motivating comments.




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  1. Hey Rockin’
    Sorry to hear that you got sick and glad to hear that you are well. Keep on truckin’ !!

  2. Thank YOU for writing such an excellent trail journal. I really enjoyed reading the Sierra posts. Have fun!!!

    • The Sierras were pretty gnarly and beautiful at the same time. So much to record because I am sure it won’t be like this again for hikers. Thank you for your kind words and following along.

  3. So happy you are well and can go. May all your wishes come true. Just come back safe and healthy.

  4. Looking forward to coming along with you (vicariously) on this next trek of your trip. 🙂

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