July 11 PCT – The Grandeur of Goat Rocks


Knife Edge – Stealth Spotting Mountain Goats

 Nature is my playlist.~Dan Rosander

Mile 2258.2 to Tieton Pass mile 2280.8 (Goat Rocks Wilderness)  – 22.6 miles

I am snuggled warm in my sleeping bag listening to rain patter on my tent trying to wrap my head around the extreme beauty of the day. 

The trail climbed into the sky opening in and out of clouds, mist, flowers, and light. 

Goats Rocks is a very popular destination for hikers, rightfully so. Just south of Snowy Mountain we met Mary. She has followed Lady on a Rock  and Walking with Wired for some time. It was great meeting her. 

As we climbed, wind whipped and  clouds floated in and out sometimes blocking views and then clearing revealing the most amazing sights. 

Here is a photo sampling of the day. It was pretty great. 

First View of the Day- Hint of What is to Come
Open Green Hills
Mary and Rockin’
Route to Snowy Mountain
Stealth on Snow Before Knife Edge
Rockin’ on Knife Edge
Herd of Mountain Goats below on Right of Snow
Stealth on Ridge Below
Wind, Fog, Mist, and Stealth
Rockin’ on Ridge


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  1. ,Marilyn McAlester

    Great pics!! This was my first section with my 2 sons. It is such a special place and memory.

  2. In my opinion, the prettiest day of your trip so far.

  3. Beautiful area..one of my all time favorites for wild flowers and scenery
    How are your feet holding up with the new shoes?

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      At this point in the trip, I was in a lot of pain. So thankful things got better after Stevens Pass.

  4. Great spotting out there Stealth! Bears and Goats, how lucky.

  5. Enchantingly beautiful photos.

  6. Great pictures, well done.

  7. Simply magical!

  8. vickylcox

    Absolutely stunning! I especially love the photo of Stealth on Ridge Below. I can hardly wait and hope some day I’ll be able to do the same.

  9. Just awesome. Can’t wait to hike there…I’m saving it for my PCT section.


  10. Christy, I am loving this blog, and the first photo in this post is stunning – a prize winner. I also follow your pics on flickr under BRDR Images. All the best. Barrie

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Well nice to finally meet you Barrie! You are quite the photographer and loyal follower. Thank you.

      Great memories in that first photo.

  11. Memories of my first solo trip. Loved Cispus Basin, Knife’s Edge, Old Smoky, Goat Lake the goats . . I can still hear the clink of the shale that sounded like walking on broken china. Lot more snow than when I was there in September.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      I want to go back. So so different than any other area I have visited. It was like a mystical island.

  12. Really beautiful! Like Dan’s quote too. And funny how the light plays tricks with the color or your Houdini.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Warren, It does look like I have lots of different colors on in one day. I had all my layers on and off at different times. 🙂

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