July 11 – Campground

…it is safer to wander in God’s woods than to travel on black highways or to stay at home.
~ John Muir

Peter Grubb Hut to Jackson Meadows Campground
24 miles

The goal today was to make it to Jackson Meadows Campground 24 miles away. Why, because I wanted to hear people , boats, and noise. Guess what? the crazy north facing snow slopes just kept getting me off route and more importantly ate up a lot of time. So about 4:00 I made a big dinner and jogged 8 miles down to Jackson Meadows. The campground was great and the host let me stay free because I was staying only a few hours.

Little things like emptying my trash, using a picnic table to organize my stuff, and of course flush toilets, running water now are luxurious.

View of Bear Valley (the northern one)
View from the crest


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  1. Unbelievable, Rockin! I can’t believe you jogged 8 miles with a full pack after walking 14 miles through snow slopes. I’m in awe!!

    Are you nearing the end of this journey. I’m sure you’re already planning your next big adventure.

    Enjoy the luxuries!

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