John Muir Trail – Days 7-9 South Fork San Joaquin River to Fish Creek

Day 7 – A Hard Day

Tomorrow will be better.

July 14
South Fork San Joaquin River to Bear Creek – 18 miles

Grant has saved me on a log crossing and Dan scooped me up after falling in a stream. Not good.

Crossing before Sally Keyes Lake
Heart Lake on the way to Selden Pass
Marie Lakes from Selden Pass
The group – Marie Lakes from Selden Pass


Day 8 – Vermillion Valley Recharge

I can’t wait for dinner, I just know it is going to be great!

July 16
Bear Creek to Vermillion Valley Resort – 12 miles

Our team has made it to Vermillion Valley Resort after 8 days of countless crazy stream crossings and snowy passes.  So happy for beer, food, shower, and clothes washing. Our group is positive and continually supports each other despite a lot of personal ailments. It is pretty awesome.

Heading into the resort!
So great when resupply boxes are actually waiting for you!



Day 9 – Near Miss and Bad Glissade

Everything will be better in Mammoth
– Silly Chili

July 16
Vermillion Valley Resort to Fish Creek – 11.4

Edison Lake
New Dirty Girl Gaiters purchased at VVR
VVR ferry to trail across the lake
Swift Mono Creek Crossing
Two of our group slipped and went in on this creek. Grant scooped them out. Close call.
Second MOno Creek crossing downstream of trail on log


Silver Creek Crossing


Silver Pass with added PCT hiker, Christy
Silver Pass with added PCT hiker, Christy
Glissading races = cut on buttocks
Reenactment of 2008 JMT Family Photo at Squaw Lake
Teamwork on creek crossings


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  1. Wow…your pictures are amazing! I finished the JMT about 4 weeks after you and I can’t believe how much more snow there was for you. Great job!!

  2. Too late now–you guys are done–but my husband and I have a good way to do those nasty stream crossings (we had several doing the PCT in 2010.) He’s taller and heavier than I am, so what we do is I stow my trek poles (lashed to pack), then I stand BEHIND him, holding on to the sides of his pack, and we SIDESTEP across together. The full impact of the rushing water hits HIM (he’s heavier and can handle it fine) while I am in the “protected zone” just behind him. This method got us across several bad crossings on the PCT, and also last summer on the CDT.

  3. errant kiwi

    Those stream crossings look pretty nasty. I know it’s a very high snow year but WOW! I compared your 2008 pic to the 2017 one.

  4. I spy some red legs on this trip. That snow is unforgiving. Dan’s got it covered.

    Glad you are all safe after all those stream crossings.

  5. Hamburger Helper

    I drove that pontoon boat ferry full of PCT & JMT hikers across Edison Lake years ago; I was thrilled to realize who those (YOU) people are and what you DO! What a hoot to see your photos. Thanks. You know what a fan I am (Is that Seuss?).

  6. A great team! Beautiful shots.

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