Getting in the Arena

Gear, lots of warm clothes, and 13 days of food!!!
Gear, lots of warm clothes, and 13 days of food!!!

“The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust, sweat, and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends themselves in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if they fail, fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat!”
~Teddy Roosevelt Sorbonne, France in 1910 Sent to us by colleague and good friend, Brian

Years ago when my husband and I dropped off my son at college, I remember watching him slowly walk off while I prayed that we had prepared him enough and bought all the essentials he would need to be comfortable, safe, and successful.

Well…we are on our way to the airport and I feel very much like that, except it is us that are walking away. It is time to let go. If we forgot something, have the wrong gear, forgot to take out yet one more sharp object that Homeland Security will snatch away, can’t use any of our electronics when we get to the UK because we have the wrong plugs, or packed too much food because we will be visiting and eating at pubs along the way…it is time to let go and enjoy the ride.

For those of you that would like to follow us by our location, I have added a nifty map using our Viewranger App. To view the map, click on “Track Scotland” in the top menu.
Note: The lines between our locations are not our actual walking route.

Thank you readers for all of your ongoing support, enthusiasm, comments, and following along.


  1. I love the shot of those tiny packs ready for your TGO challenge. I hope the two of you have the time of your lives. Keep on Rockin’!

  2. Best wishes and safe travels!

  3. I love daring greatly. Blessings on your journey!

  4. I am so excited for you and wish I was hiking with my favorite” team extreme ” up and over all of the munros !!
    Enjoy the journey! Take lots of photos !

  5. Deebie Brown

    Excited for you two, and I’m always excited re: your treks, Rockin. Been following your blog for many years now since Dan told me about it.
    Great vicarious adventure (and painful to think about alot of it.). And while I meandered the little sandy mountain segment of the PCT near tehachapi you kicked butt on the real thing.
    Now while you trudge the Scottish peaks at high speed, I will be wandering the Wicklow Way in Ireland and staying in hostels. My knee is telling me that it will be very slow. (Now out of Tehachapi and CCI)
    I hope I can follow some of your blogs when I am near WIFI. Was amazed by Grand Canyon challenges/hardships/success. Love that place.
    THANks and Happy Trails (and speedy ones) to both of you!!!

    • Deebie,
      So glad to hear from you. Hope you trek and visit in Ireland was beautiful and fun. Thank you for following along and commenting. Retirement sounds like it is being good to you.

  6. Reg Rosander

    Your Dad/Daddy-in-law are wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip. We will be following you on journey. Maybe I can convince him to travel over there someday. A once in a life time opportunity and I am asking God to wrap his arms around you and keep you safe.

  7. Looking forward to going to Scotland with you, through your words and photos, obviously. Be safe and have fun!! You are blessed.

  8. Thinking good thoughts that your walk about Scotland brings you warm memories and wonderful sights!

  9. thehikinglife

    Have a great trip and if you retain nothing else, always remember that “it never rains in the pub.”

    – Swami

  10. Safe travels! Enjoy every moment.

  11. Woohoo! Or as another great human said, “Congratulations! Today is our day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
    Have a blast steering yourselves through the greatest adventure yet!!

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