Family Hike Night

Trip planning can be rewarding, fun, or just plain stressful. Everyone’s experience is different. But in the end, a good successful day-hike, climb, or backpack takes time and energy to execute. I am a planner, dreamer, and lover of the shear thought of the process.

Recently Silly Chili started Tuesday Family Hike Night in Boise, Idaho. He is using the guidebook The Hiker’s Guide Greater Boise by Scott Marchant as his reference. Silly was even able to meet the author and buy the book at the local Farmer’s Market. It is a huge understatement to say that I am totally ecstatic with this new development…OR as my eldest daughter would say, it is totes fab!

Dan and I of course participated in the weekly activity while we are visiting in Boise. Last night we hiked the Mores Mountain  2.1 mile loop in the Bogus Mountain Recreation Area. This short hike featured wildflowers, vistas, green open meadows, deep woods, aspen groves, rock outcroppings, and butterflies. This well-maintained trail has a 500 foot elevation gain that circles Mores Mountain. I think our whole fam would agree that Family Hike Night and the Mores Mountain Trail were a perfect match.













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  1. It is great to see you made it to Boise. It is a great place to live. I took my sons to Mores Mountain 20 years ago.

    I was at the Grand Canyon’s White Butte saddle April 14, the night of the lunar eclipse. It was a complete surprise. You are inspiring my wife and I to hike the JMT.

    Thank you

  2. Loved seeing the kids on the trail with their cute backpacks. Especially loved the little lady journaling, a girl after my own heart. Thanks for sharing your family with us.

    • Recording information is so important and to start children early is so valuable. She is learning an appreciation for nature, careful observation, plant identification, and it is just plain old fun!

  3. Can I just say, ” You take some awesome photos”. This is something I am in the process of developing/planning. Last weekend The 6 of us went up to Paradise on Mount Rainier and hiked up to Alta Vista in the snow. We did this with another family of 4. All together we had 6 kids with us ranging from 4-13.
    This weekend I am planning a 3-6 mile day hike with just me and the kiddo’s and next weekend we (a party of 3 families, 7 kids+5 adults) are doing a day at Mount St Helens to do the observatories and a short hike on the Hummocks trail loop @ 2.3 miles. Anyway, your blog is inspiring to me and your pictures got oohs and ahs.

    • It is fun and a challenge going with kids: keeping them interested, moving forward, fed, pottyed, and overall happy campers. I think taking the time to take photos along the way not only creates a lasting memory, but also focuses on the positive aspects of the family event, just in case things go south. In my experience they often do. I am excited to hear your fun plans! and photo goals.
      Thank you for posting. Happy trails to your family hikes. ๐Ÿ™‚

      By the way: these photos were taken on a regular camera then transferred via my
      new piece of gear, Airstash to my iPhone, then posted to this blog through my
      phone using the WordPress App. It was a test and I am pleased.

  4. Craig Sayler

    That is plain flat awesome! I am jealous! Blessing to you and your family!


    • All is I can say is YOUR FAMILY is the master of positive family outdoor activities. I will never forget your wife pulling out a loaf of bread, jar of peanut butter, and jelly after 2 miles of climbing 2000 feet of elevation at the top of Tehachapi Mountain. Then she proceeded to calmly make delicious, nutritious sandwiches for three very hungry exercised boys. No lunch made in the morning…I can just picture the morning conversation in the kitchen, “It is okay nothing is going to stop us we will just make lunch at the top!” Thank you for your inspiring family!

      • You are very gracious! Keep Rocking Bekki, Kids and I really enjoy following your adventures! Idaho looks like a blast!

  5. Looks like a really fun together time. Beautiful country. May have to try some of those paths when I return.

    • A BIG yes! This particular trail is at 6500 feet which makes a nice cool hike in the summer, especially when the temps are well over the 100 degree mark. Do it.

      Hope you are experiencing some new cool territory.

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