[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/51221374 w=640&h=360]
The Eastern Sierras in full fall glory featuring McGee Creek Canyon and North Fork Big Pine Creek Canyon. Violin music is compliments of my youngest daughter. “Ashokan Farewell” was recorded for a middle school history project when she was 12 years old using our bathroom as a recording studio. Turns out bathrooms have great acoustics. Who knew? That was 7 years ago. Thanks Bryn for being such a good sport and making your mom super happy.
Viewer Caution: Watch only if you are stressed out, having a bad day, or just need to relax.
- View all Fall Photos on Flickr
McGee Creek Canyon and North Fork Big Pine Creek Canyon on Google Maps
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=201380593327537523113.0004b55355f5df02ad577&ie=UTF8&t=p&ll=37.517896,-118.804092&spn=0.095309,0.145912&z=12&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=201380593327537523113.0004b55355f5df02ad577&ie=UTF8&t=p&ll=37.127476,-118.469868&spn=0.047903,0.072956&z=13&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
I missed being in the Eastern Sierras this fall…thanks so much for the beautiful photography. I feel like I’m there.
It is always the challenge to bring back photos that look even close to the awesome beauty of a great trip outdoors. Thanks for the very high compliment.
Truly beautiful! And your daughter’s violin music was just perfect. Hiking season is just starting here in Phoenix so I am looking forward to getting on the trail closer to home. I love all the images you took of the aspens – I am an artist – my current series is aspen groves. I’d love to paint some of the scenes you captured! Makes me long to go out plein air painting and hiking.
Thanks for sharing,
Nancy Romanovsky
Just visited your site and am so honored you viewed the video much less visited this site. Your work is amazing. What I love most about your landscapes is your clear message of love for the natural world from the perspective of a hiker. It rings clear in your paintings. I usually favor photos of the outdoors. Your portraits are very different.
Yes, I would love it if you used ideas from my photos. Please let me know if you do. Readers, you really need to visit Nancy’s website:
Thank you Rockin’ for your kind words about my artwork. I’m glad that you see my message as clear – exactly how I would want my audience to. You will be the first to know if I use any of your beautiful images for inspiration in one of my paintings!
Thanks again ๐
Just beautiful. You have an amazing family. (And my youngest son is your daughter’s age.)
We have so much in common. I miss having my kids at home, but love to be part of what they are doing, experiencing, and accomplishing in the world. I know we also share this. I heard you are in full fall color now.
Pretty neato. Did the fishermen feast that night?
That is a very good question. We spotted the fly fishermen just as we were leaving. But I would bet they indeed caught their dinner. It was an image from a movie.
Thank you. I needed this today. I forgot how much I like that sad meloncauli sound of the violin.
Here come the Washington rains and the trail are desperate for water,but will turn to mush and possible landslides if it comes as they say it will. Hiking season is on hold for now. Thank you for the farewell piece and the pictures, they fit well together. I have always enjoyed your videos and picture shows. I need to get that app and learn how to use it. Having just got back into backpacking, there has been some catching up to do. You have inspired and educated me for more than you know. Thank you again.
I am so not ready to put all my summer backpacking gear away. How about you? But short days, cold nights, and weather always dictates. I am glad you got out to savor the last bits of the season until the white stuff flies. Thanks for the encouragement and compliments. Some of the movies have been created all on my phone using the i Movie app. It is fun and easy. For this video used i Phone video clips, Lumix LX5 camera pics, and put everything together on my computer using i Movie. Always love your comments.
Really nice job on the video, nice balance of video and stills, nice transitions. I like the idea of recording the sights and sounds of the leaf movement, and yes your daughter’s music was a perfect accompaniment.
Well Roaming Angel in Bright Pink Hat thanks for the feedback. This video stuff is so new to me. I have been trying to learn new skills each time I create a video to get ready to teach an i Movie class to middle schoolers. I am almost ready. Almost. Should be interesting.
Ha! I like the viewer caution warning. So true! That is amazing that Bryn did that in middle school. So cool!
Yes, side effects…the mouth goes slack (on the verge of drooling), the eyelids go half-masted, and stress just floats away. A perfect prescription after an annoying and frustrating day. What is really amazing is that Bryn agreed to let me use it. ๐
My son played the violin for four years. Your daughters song is beautiful.
The sound of aspen tree leaves in the breeze is my favorite sound in nature.
Beautiful videos and photos. Thank you for sharing.
Happy hiking.
Ahhh we share the joy of having experienced live music in our homes. I miss that… a lot. It was so fun to use this piece that was recorded so long ago. Thanks for your kind words. ๐