Falling for Fall

Go NOW if you’re interested in enjoying the Eastern Sierra in full color. We just got back from a weekend taking a ton of photos and video of spectacular fall kaleidoscope.

Go NOW. The leaves are changing quick and will be gone.

Don’t know where to start planning a trip to enjoy the Sierras at their best? Great resources to get started are:ย  Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Guide published by Mono County andย  California Fall Color website.

Here are sneak peeks from our visit to McGee Creek and North Fork Big Pine Canyons. Look for more pics and video in upcoming blog entry.


McGee Creek CanyonMcGee Creek Canyon

NF Big PineNorth Fork Big Pine Creek Canyon

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  1. Awesome! I’m going on Friday. Hope to find what you did there.

  2. Great to hear some strong encouragement to others to get outside *now* and enjoy the colors of the natural world…while we can!

    • Hey it snowed today in the Eastern Sierras. I almost dropped everything at work and took off with a camera for the mountains once again. Thanks for visiting.

  3. deebie brown

    Gorgeous! I’m going to big pine next week! Thanx for photos and stories. Do you read these?

    • Hi Deebie!
      You are welcome. It is so fun to take photos of such beauty. I am sorry I am not sure what you mean by read these? I am assuming you are referring to the links I added to this blog entry. I have used California Fall Color for a few years for dates and locations for finding the best color.

  4. Some of my favorite areas are out in the eastern Sierra Nevada!

  5. Love the fall colors. I am trying to plan one last backpacking trip with my boys up the Snoqualmie corridor before they (the colors) are gone for the year.

    • I am so hoping to hike in your area next summer. All the pics I have seen from Washington are breathtaking. Hope your upcoming trip is memorable with your boys.

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