Day 9 SHR – This Feels Good – Lady on a Rock

However carefully one plans the itinerary, the day’s journey will not be carefree if one is burdened with inferior or unnecessary equipment.
-Steve Roper from Sierra High Route

June 29
Lower Dusy Basin to Ledge way above Evolution Valley – 2o.9 miles

Le Conte Canyon * Muir Pass * Evolution Lakes

Today was a beaut and mostly on trail with lots of hikers either doing the JMT or PCT. The lighting, incoming weather, water running every where, and rain made for some pretty dramatic scenes.

Bonus today! I got to stand on the rock where I met the lady that this blog is named after.

I am feeling almost all better. Yaaaay on that one. Tomorrow proves to be a pretty challenging day on the High Route going over Snow Tongue Pass.

climbing Le Conte Canyon
Eaten by the whale
Heading up Muir Pass
Heading up Muir Pass
Heading up Muir Pass
Wired and Rockin’
Muir Pass
hikers on Muir Pass
Looking north toward Wanda Lake
Me on top of my Lady on a Rock – Rock
walking in the rain – Wanda Lake
Icy Wanda Lake
Crossing Evolution Outlet
Evolution Lake
Leaving the trail heading cross-country above Evolution Valley

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  1. Love that you know where THE rock is.

  2. Talkin’ gear. Cool!

    Glad you are all up and running again. And finding THAT rock, wow, a bit like a needle in a haystack.

  3. It’s always good to return to that place of a significant epiphany in one’s life. Glad you could go there again and get the good karma of the rock. You seem to be sharing your energy with Erin and Nancy. You are blessed!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      That rock is fun to visit each time. It is a constant reminder that you just don’t know what your influence might be when meeting someone for a very brief time.

      Very motivating.

  4. Seems your break was very productive for all.. you got the medical help you needed and your camera, your team got to rest, and you are back to the rocks, snow and spectacular views.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thanks Lynn. The Sierras definitely have been renewed after a few years of drought. Water is everywhere. Shoes are wet every day. That is good.

  5. I agree with the other comments; it’s so good to know you’re back to health with camera in hand and shooting those stunning shots again!

  6. I know the pictures can’t do justice to the view but they are awesome.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      That makes me very happy.

      It is so hard not to have a DSLR, but weight matters.

  7. And the camera is back! 🙂 Glad you’re feeling better. Love the Lady on a Rock rock, very cool.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      I was being dramatic, but it is a dramatic scene. Rain, snow, thunder, lightening, and beauty galore!

  8. I’m loving the pictures of day 8. How do you stay warm in the rain and at night? And thanks for blogging such an adventure.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      I am using a 10 degree bag and Neo air Xtherm. The sleeping system for me is working well. In the rain I use a rain jacket, pack cover made from a garbage bag, and a rain skirt made from a trash compactor bag. It works.

      You are welcome.

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