“One step at a time is good walking.”
–ย ย Chinese proverb
July 29
Lake below Douglas Pass to Flood Plain below Blaurock Pass – 9.7 miles
Route: Douglas Pass * Alpine Lakes Basin * Alpine Lakes Pass * through terrain with views of various glaciers * flood plain below Blaurock Pass
Photo journal:
How to carry potato chips
I know. I know. I have talked a lot about my love for potato chips this summer, but here is even more important information on how to select and carry the delicious goodness.
I like to start with the healthiest chips possible made with only 3 ingredients: olive oil, potatoes, and salt. Some of my favorite brands are Trader Joes, Boulder, and Kettle Chips. If you are hiking in an area that critter or bear proofing your food is necessary, condensing the volume down is critical. Simply poke a small hole in the chip bag to let the air out, smash chips down with the power of your hands, then pour the contents into a quart size bag. I like to take 2 bags for longer multi-day trips and use a gallon size ziplock.
The chips are filling, have lots of fat, and can be eaten alone, scooped out with a spoon, poured into your mouth, and can be sprinkled on almost any backpacking meal. Voila!
Knife Point Glacier and the final sunset photo for the win! The smoke photos remind me of my time in Canada last fall.
The glaciers in the northern section of the Wind River Range were pretty spectacular. They reminded me of photos I have seen of Alaska. Big, very big. Photos cannot even do them justice. Ya gotta go.
We had some great years Gorp, but Kettle Chips is my new BFF.
I’m sure the smoke wasn’t in the plan but… I gotta tell ya it really adds a different dimension to your beautiful pics… loving this..
It looks just like I added a sepia filter to the photos.
The smoke pictures have a look that reminds me of Japanese paintings and makes me wonder if those came from a time with maybe a lot of wood fires and mist.
Very picturesque but sad about the fires that are causing damage and unhealthy conditions in some places.
I do love all the details we can pick up in these pictures.
Yes, smog or dirty air, the culprits. We are sure more aware of how all individuals in our own home space can contribute to a cleaner environment.
Those smoke filled skies sure make for some dramatic sunrises and sunsets.
Amazing pics…wow!
I poked holes with a needle in single serve chip bags so I could fit 200 of them on my pack for trail magic this year in So Cal. Hit 606…craziness!
Funny what we do to chips to make them fit in small spaces. Personally on a short over night there is the perfect freedom of just strapping a whole bag, air and all on the top of a pack. Congrats on giving out ALL those chips. What a project!
I love being able to travel with you (vicariously, of course). Thank you so much for making it possible by sharing your wonderful photos!
My chip preference for hiking is Casa Sanchez tortilla chips, also smashed down, but your TJs package is making my mouth water so I’ll try those next time.
Hey the tortilla chips work. So filling and yummy. Thanks for the support.
More great pictures – what a great area you are in – thanks for continuing the updates.
Thank you Lucy.
I notice you ladies often have your shoes off at lunch time. Are you changing into clean (stream or lake clean I guess) socks for the afternoon?
The photo of Why Not and Wired doing that stream crossing is deceiving. Looks like Why not is going one way while Wired is going the other!
I have a thing for potato chips too. Took some on my last trip along with Chees-It crackers. I often crave chips when running low, say coming home from the gym. They zap you with energy.
Forgot to mention on the last post I loved the photo of Wired “interneting”. That is just so inherently her.
Just drying the feet out. Most days our feet are wet due to snow or stream crossings. Just keeping them healthy.
Yes, Why Not is finding a different route across. I loved the drama of it all from afar.
Yes, the Interneting is king.
Your post are fantastic. Thank you for your travels and willingness to post them.
You are very welcome. Thank you.
Incredible pictures. The smoke makes for some dramatic effects.
Is Wired carrying a canister of bear spray? I didn’t see that she mentioned it in any of her blogs.
Yes, we all carried bear spray and ursacks to store our food at night. We also did not cook or eat in camp.
Yea, no sepia filter on those, just smoke.