Day 6 – TST – What Goes Up Must Come Down

Stay put.
~Park Ranger

June 7
Roaring River to Resupply at Road’s End – 15.9 miles

One thing to know about the Theodore Solomon’s Trail is that it consistently has huge swings of elevation gains and losses, 5,000 feet up or down.

Today we went up over Avalanche Pass that was clear of snow then dropped 5,000 feet down to Road’s End to resupply food.

We managed to get a hitch very quickly in the back of a truck with a family from Texas and were stopped on the way by park rangers for illegal riding in the back of a pick-up. It was all very official, but nobody was given a ticket. I am sure it will be part of the family’s story of their vacation.

We sent our resupply for the next leg of our journey to the Cedar Grove Visitors Center, secured a campsite, showered, did laundry, split a bottle of wine, and ate a very delicious and large dinner at the Cedar Grove Lodge.

Tomorrow we have a 5,000 foot gain up to Granite Pass with packs filled with 6 days of food.

But for now I am a happy camper, literally.

Trail down to Road’s End
Cool trail engineering on the way down ~ the flowers aren’t bad either
Engineering marvel of trail
View down to Road’s End in Kings Canyon National Park
Prescribed burn area
Hitching in back of truck


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  1. Marilyn Crabtree

    Sure looks like some difficult trails but you seem to be managing them well.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Well we definitely had a few moments of crankiness and silence, but it is amazing what a new mountain view, a break, and food will do for the spirit.

  2. Was just thinking y’day that your elevation profiles resembled Wired’s in the Himalayas.

    Being careful we must while riding with rednecks. I seem to recall doing the same to get from Oma’s home down to the Guadalupe River (Kerrville Texas) as a child and somehow we all survived.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Ya the Himalayas are no joke. Huge swings in elevation day after day really wears on the body. A zero day really helps.

      Sometimes a girl just has to ride in the back of a pickup. Don’t you think?

      • Well I just teased her about that tailgate ride ya’ll talked her into on the LCT. ’twas the dead end holler of cutting trail and all sorts of gray areas she got in. Now she’s come home early from Tibet and I got nuttin’ to read at night. hehehe

  3. Coming from the southeast US, this scenery is so foreign and gorgeous!! Growing up, it was common to see folks in the back of a pickup – sometimes sitting in aluminum lawn chairs! ? haha

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Funny the pickup was from Texas, Arrow is from Nevada. Both states allow riders in the back of a pickup. Here I am the only one from California that knows better. I was not in a good place for forgiveness.

  4. Mario Caceres

    Those steps along Sphynx Creek are pretty exhausting.

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