Day 5 Theodore Solomons Trail – A Fine Yosemite Finish

“Always remember that you are unique – just like everybody else.” Unknown

October 15

Illiouette Creek to Glacier Point (official finish of the Theodore Solomons Trail) – 4.6 miles

Glacier Point to Half Dome Village via 4 mile Trail – 7 miles

Sometimes ya just want the trek to be over and other times it is important to just soak it in.

This was a just soak it in finish.

My husband says all this hiking long distances is just walking, but often it is much more… BIGGER, broader than we can ever imagine mixed with joy, misery, pain, ease, exhaustion, energy, and euphoria. But in the end it really is just one step at a time and only you can do it, no one else.

I am often asked why I hike. Lots of reasons, but mostly I love movement through the land. It is what drives me through the good and the bad. The Theodore Solomons Trail is my kind of trail with ease and challenges and goes where few hikers trek. Yes, I am a bit off topic, but important stuff for the soul.

The alarm went off at 4:00 am, only then did it occur to me how long I would be hiking in the dark and cold. 5:00 am sounded good. I hiked quickly, then slowed down to enjoy the solitude of watching the sun come up. I sat down right down in the middle of the trail heading up to Glacier Point and breathed it all in.

A few minutes later I saw my first human on this section of the TRT.

Finishing at Glacier Point is simply spectacular. Crowded but worth it. A photographer offered to take my photo and I gave my double thumbs up, then sat for another hour.

After buying a Glacier Point t-shirt, a kale salad and a Coke at the visitor’s center, the man at the register said, “You look happy, stay that way.”

Next up I hiked the 4 Mile Trail down to Yosemite Valley, walked to Half Dome Village, showered, ate pizza, a glass of wine, toasted Arrow, and am now camped in the backpackers camping area behind the North Pines Campground.

Tomorrow I am riding the YARTS bus to the Merced Amtrak and home I go.

Thank you everyone for supporting me through one more hike. You all are the best. Next up, we are heading to Washington to meet my son. He has a couple pretty sweet hikes planned for us.

Illiouette Creek Early Morning
First sun on Half Dome
Nevada Falls, Half Dome, and Panorama Trail – Sunrise
Double Thumbs Up Finish at Glacier Point
Half Dome from Glacier Point
Valley Floor from Four Mile Trail
View of El Capitan from Four Mile Trail

Looking down at dry Yosemite Falls from Four Mile Trail

Yosemite Valley


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  1. That is such an achievement. The views look amazing in your photos. 4 am is far too early for me to do anything, let alone embark on a big hike, so I especially congratulate you for that effort.

  2. Congrats on finishing the hike! You’re such a great hiker and I admire all you do. Wish I was around to pick you up and bring you to Merced. I would have loved to meet in person. 🙂

  3. Congrats on a great hike! As usual, your pics are stunning.

  4. Congratulations!! I love reading your adventures! I’m looking forward to a hip replacement in the next 6 months and then years of hiking without pain! I’m gonna see you on the trail someday! Until then, please keep sharing your gorgeous photos and adventures!

  5. You did it again and made me dizzy with the photos. Ahh The views are crisper in the fall, apparently.

  6. Congrats on the finish and you are such an inspiration to me! I am 58 and stuck working a 40 hour week. Following along with you only makes me hope and wish I can do that someday if I really want to! For now, it’s just day hikes for me, but so look forward to your next adventure!! You ROCK!!

  7. Way to finish like a champ! It was great to follow along with you. I’ve done a few sections of the TST and it was so cool to revisit those places and hear the updated info on the trail. Much respect to you for your great accomplishment!

  8. “the man at the register said, “You look happy, stay that way.”” Christy, this is how I always see you. You just make it happen and you do it in stride. You are really an inspiration to us all and your smile is quite infectious; keep spreading it!

    The retired life apparently suits you just fine. I can’t wait to get there myself.

    • Forgot to say congrats on the big finish. To be the only one to complete the trail this year must feel pretty special. And I know Arrow was there with you in spirit. Hope you are home safe now.

  9. Lynn Duncan

    You finished strong and happy!!!!

  10. Congratulations Christy. As far as I know, at least based on the activity of members of the TST facebook group, you are the only hiker that has completed the whole TST this year…. joining the handful of other folks that have completed it the the last few years. Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope Sally is doing better after her medical procedure.

  11. Keep living the dream!!

  12. Where in Washington? Must come to Olympic Nat’l Park.
    I can shuttle you if necessary.

  13. Marilyn Crabtree

    What a trip you have completed and the last section by yourself. Thank you for sharing all your gorgeous photos. I am not a hiker but have been able to see these sights through your eyes. How awesome is that!

  14. Lucy Grittman

    Another accomplishment to add to your list. Have so enjoyed “following along” with you on this short trip and looking forward to your next venture. Thank you again for the pictures and descriptive monologues!!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your hike with us. I love the mountains, and here you are, sharing them in the shoulder season when I would think it’s too late – and too cold at night anyway – to be hiking. Although you were hiking solo, you had a lot of company in spirit.

  16. jeff schwein

    What a trip! It’s so fun to hike vicariously through you. Thanks for sharing. BTW, I like the soul seeking off topic stuff too…

  17. Double thumbs up is right. Keep smiling and stay happy. Love that a stranger saw that in you. You’re alive!

  18. Awesome finish !!

  19. From one hikin’ fool to another, keep it up kiddo. I’m just back from a week in the Bob Marshall & thinking about next year. Come to Georgia and see us!

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