Day 5 – Dancing with Clouds

Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
~Regina Brett, from 45 Lesson Life Taught Me

April 17 – Phantom/Crystal Creek Loop
Colorado River 94 Mile Creek to above Phantom Creek

Today was much cooler with cloud cover, easier terrain, little rock exposure, no real fear factor, and had a fun class 3 climb from the Colorado River at the beginning of the day. Life is really good.

Arrow stayed up last night and came up with a new and safer plan to get us to our next water source without difficult obstacles. She is an amazing map reader and devotes a lot time and expertise in studying maps closely.

Our route took us back up to the Tonto Level traveling east, then dropped down into Trinity Canyon, and up again to meet our entry route  a mile or so before Cheops/Isis Saddle. It worked beautifully. Because of the gift of cloud cover, our 6 liters of water was plenty with enough left over to dry camp (camp without water).

We are pitched on a flat, perfect overlook of Phantom Creek with light rain beginning to fall. Tomorrow we will be heading down to Phantom Ranch for snacks and water, then out the Bright Angel Trail.

Colorado River at 94 Mile Creek
Fun Class 3 Climb Up From the River
Nice Hand Holds
Navigating Cactus on the Tonto Level
Descending into Trinity Canyon
Fine Shed
Cheops/Isis Saddle at Sunset


  1. Great photos!

    • Thank you Janet. Editing and posting from the phone is always so ifffy. You never really know how they will look on the web. I am loving the photo editor iPHone app PicTapGo.

  2. Wow! Amazing!!

  3. sooo pleased and proud for you and your team.
    Stay safe and happy !

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