Day 13 AZT – Focusing In

God forbid an adventure be had without the company of your favorite hat. Be it a beanie, bandana, balaclava, or cowboy hat — lucky hats bring good luck.
-James Barkman

March 18
Rainwater Collector to saddle above Reavis Canyon AZT 310.2
21.5 miles

My alarm went off this morning and I didn’t move. That is really rare when I am on trail. This was partially because I did not put sunscreen on the tender spots on the back of my knees and I am sunburned and I am tired from yesterday’s miles.

Why this is important is because today heated up and getting a late start didn’t help matters out. All the people and horses I saw today looked hot. To compensate, I walked slower and looked for shady spots to hang out for a couple of minutes without cacti and cow pies.

The terrain at the end of the day changed dramatically. Green hills and red rocks.

On the coolest note ever Joe McConahy will be going for the fastest known time on the Arizona Trail. His start date is March 23! He is a really quality and smart elite athlete. I also have the privilege to be guiding with him in Utah in April. You can find all about his run/hike on Instagram, @stringbean . GO JOE!


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  1. Georgette Theotig

    I am loving your posts and photos. What a wonderful area to feel solitude and beauty. Enjoy every step!

  2. I’m enjoying your posts and really miss the desert. I live in San Luis Obispo. Have a wonderful hike!

  3. That saguaro is pretty cool looking!

    Is that cement box a pass under a roadway? Or just drainage?

  4. Lucy Grittman

    Love the area you are hiking in and would love to be there this time of year. Keep on “truckin'” like following along with you!!

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