Day 4: NNML – It was a Hail of a Day

June 6

Frijolies Canyon to E. Jemez River

18 miles 

So much contrast happened today I can hardly keep it straight. 
I woke up to light rain during the night. Heaven. 

The route continued through the Las Conchas fire area. It is covered a large area! Such devastation, but with that brings many lovely plants and revelations. We had many log crossings and with the heat I was super nauseous and dizzy. I ate a salt packet, sugar, and a drop of peppermint oil which helped a ton. 

As the elevation rose, the cool air was amazing. Obsidian literally sprinkled the ground. Quite rare. 

The next water source Upper Alamo Spring stunk and was polluted with at least a hundred cow pies. We grabbed water quickly and headed out of that place. Within 10 minutes a storm blew in. We hunkered down under a tree and pounding hail like I have never seen pelted and stung our backs. Nuts. Just a few minutes before we were hot!!!

Much of the rest of the day was spent hiking around the Valles Caldera. It is an enormous impression left by a volcano…open expanse. 
We are camped at a lovely sheltered camp by flowing E. Jemez River. Another storm is definitely brewing. 

Up and over downed trees
Alamo Spring

Valles Caldera
Valles Caldera
Valles Caldera
We started in Santa Fe – We walked that far
Camp location on E. Jemez River

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  1. Ahhh the adventure continues.. love the picture of the river… it doesn’t look as hot as those other pics OUCH.. I.hate.heat! Give me a nice day of hiking in 50 degree weather! Loving your adventure..

  2. Wow, super hot, then super cold. What a day. Love the shot through the Aspen trees.

  3. Enjoying your hike reports as usual, Rockin’. Once you connect with the CDT keep your eyes out for a thru-hiker named Zac (i believe he’s going by trail name Apache) from The Florida panhandle. This will be his triple crown hike ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Hi Linda, I’ll bet he is ahead, but I will ask the hikers we see at Ghost Ranch.

  4. Such a beautiful area. I camped at Jemez Springs and visited the Caldera and saw a large herd of Elk, so keep your eye out for them. Be Safe!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      We started seeing elk right after the Caldera. Saw scat for days, but not the animal.

  5. I’m loving this trip’s descriptions and beautiful photos from over here in the rolling Kentucky hills. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve only hiked as far west as Big Bend, TX, so your western scenery is always so foreign to me. I truly appreciate your vlogs since it might be a while before I get to experience it myself. Thanks!!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thank you. Big Bend is on my list to visit someday. New Mexico has been very different for me. Thank you for following along.

  6. You two are amazing! I can easily say I would rather be reading about your exploits as opposed to being with you. Normally, I am jealous, but this looks a tough — but ultimately rewarding — adventure. You are the greatest trail blogger of them all!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Hello Richard! It has been a bit tough. I am pretty beat at night. I am so not good with this kind of heat and sun. There is not enough water ever.

  7. Beautiful area.

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