Day 38 – GDT – It is a Wrap! Celebration Time

August 12

Whitehorn Campground to Mount Robson Visitor’s Center – 7 miles

No Morning Nazi this morning!

Slept in.

Hiked 7 miles down to our finish through mist, light rain, groomed trail, and old-growth cedar forest. The very best!

Thank you everyone for following along, supporting us, and sharing. Thank you also to all those that helped along the way from the great hitches to smiles, a hello, getting me a blow dryer, and just the great feeling Canada you gifted us with.

And to Why Not for being the best partner for this hike and for your constant determination, toughness, and finding the beauty in everything. You are awesome.

Thank you also to Dan, my husband for being our Trivago and for loving me enough to let me walk.

Upcoming will be a post on my favorites and possible tips for hiking this trail.

Wishing everyone a little bit of outside today. You all are amazing!

Bridge after Whitehorn Campground
Mysterious morning fog replaces smoke
Old cedar growth forest
Glacier silt water color
More cedar growth
The Finish!!!!!


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  1. Looked like an amazing trip. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Lucy Grittman

    What a great “journey” you allowed us to follow along on. Thank you so much for your descriptions and gorgeous pictures. Will be missing your posts but glad you will now have a chance to relax altho think getting back to “normal” might take you a little while!!

  3. Couldn’t agree with “barrie” more.

    And like Marijka, I too am inspired. Always have been and admired your determination and resolve.

    You are truly blessed with Dan and his determination to help you walk and also to your family, who actually participates in some of them. The family that hikes together……………

    Congrats on another long trail wrap-up.


  4. Sarah Coston

    Congratulations. I’ve enjoyed taking this hike with both of you so much. Such beautiful pictures.

  5. Christy, you and Why Not are two hardcore hikers! Thank you for letting me tag along vicariously on a longer and harder walk than I will ever take. At age 69 I’m extending my backpacking life with lightweight gear, and there you two go and fill your packs with up to 10 days worth of food – ugh! – heavy packs! You’re an inspiration. Keep walking girls!

  6. Congratulations! The competence and experience both of you have is clear, and you look like a good team. Thanks for taking us along!

  7. Congratulations on completing the GDT! What an unbelievable journey. I enjoyed every post and every photo and I even learned a thing or two; i.e., there was a question on Jeopardy about a National Park. I knew the answer (Banff) because of reading your blog. Welcome home!

  8. Hmm, that looked tough! You are an amazing pair and I felt it a privilege to be able to look in on your walk.
    Agree about the photography too, fine photos ,and I think the spacious blog layout helps too. Nice & big & clear.
    Thank you so much

  9. An amazing accomplishment! A privilege for your readers to share in this journey. There were times when I felt exhausted just curled up in my chair.! Enjoy a well earned rest. Look forward to your summary.

  10. You two were a great team! Congratulations! No major injuries! No Grizz problems!
    Beautiful country!
    All good!?

  11. Well done, you too. Have followed you through every post, and felt let down if I didn’t receive a post every day! Christy, your photos are amazing. Of course, you are photographing stunning scenery, but your photos go well beyond that – you have an eye and ability to make every shot a prize winner. What your photos and commentary does not tell us is the pain, the determination, the ability to keep going no matter what, that has to come with any trip of this magnitude. A trip like this is no Sunday School picnic, even though you give that impression! Amazing walk, amazing women

  12. Marilyn Crabtree

    Congratulations on achieving your goal. It has been fun following you on your journey through the GDT. Everything is so beautiful in Canada, the rivers, mountains, forests, skies. I love the colors of the rivers from the glacier melt. Thank you for the beautiful photos. Looking forward to your next hike.

  13. You did it!! Thanks so much Christy and Nancy! I’m going to go through serious withdrawal.

  14. Tony McGuire

    I am in awe! Thank you for sharing this amazing adventure!

  15. WOOHOO! (yet boohoo) Congratulations! And thanks for letting us virtually tag along. You gals are just amazing.

    • PS while you were gone, I did the white water rafting without falling out of the boat, did the intro to scuba without freaking out from claustrophobia, and just signed up to RUN my first 5k (instead of walk). Not bragging, just thanks again for being such an inspiration to this 55 yr old late bloomer. Sincerely, thank you.

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