Day 32 – GDT – 1 Pass, 2 Peaks, & Skyline Trail

The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire. ~Pamela Hansford Johnson

August 6

Below 6th Pass on 6 Pass Alternate to Curator Campground – 20.1 cross-country and trail miles

I think this alternate should be called 6 Passes and 2 peaks because in the last few miles it climbs peaks.

As we neared the Maligne Lake area, many dayhikers a well-trodden trail appeared. All I can think of is that I need shower as I pass each one. It stressed me out big time.

We hit the famous Skyline Trail in the late afternoon. Surprisingly, the sometimes busy trail only had a few dayhikers.

The Skyline Trail is the perfect trip for a beginner backpacker. Gentle, groomed trails, views abound, fresh, healthy forest, open passes, and nice campgrounds. Who wouldn’t love backpacking after an experience like this?

Why Not and I raced into the evening to get half of the 28 mile trail done. We were both were motivated by lack of food left in our food bags.

Soon after setting up camp the sky opened up.

Early morning pass climb
Lake on the way up 6th pass
View from 6th pass
Number 6, oh ya
View from Impressive Peak
Impressive Peak
Just me and my Gossamer Gear Gorilla Backpack on Impressive Peak
View of Bald Hills
And the crowds begin
Skyline Trail
Picnic table luxury
Skyline Trail
Piece of furniture bridge- Skyline Trail
View from Big Shovel Pass – Skyline Trail
Sunset – Skyline Trail


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  1. Oh my gosh, beautiful sky, sunset, mountain photos.

  2. That sunset photo is just beautiful.

    Ah, eating food with a long-handled spoon from freezer bag. Now that is the life!

    (had to cancel my trip due to the hazardous levels of smoke where we were going, argggh. Hoping to reschedule for mid September.)

  3. Rachel Novak

    Such beautiful photos and flowers – is it spring or early summer in the mountains?

  4. I hope someday you will produce a book of you pictures. They are some of the most impressive I have ever seen.

  5. Stunning sunset photo!

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