Day 3 TRT – Who Needs a Stinkin’ Trail

Ready for Mother Nature

The harder it is the more worthwhile the journey. ~Alastair Humphreys

Tunnel Creek Road to Gray Lake Junction – 20.2 miles

Rain is pattering on my tent. Luckily, I am warm and cozy well for the most part. 

It was a very energetic and dramatic day.

Today started out so easy. Nice cruising down the trail. Tahoe Meadows was beautiful with super deluxe bathrooms any hiker trash would be happy to sleep in. After that things started to spring apart. We hit snow covered trail , then rain, then snow, thunder, oh then navigation became a problem, clouds rolled in, temps dropped, more climbing in the snow, more navigation, and oh the views!!!!

Teamwork was a buzzing. 

Water ended up being a problem, so we came up with plan A, B, and C. We went for stopping, melting snow with my jet boil and camping on a high sheltered ridge. It was magic. I think this team works. 

Morning Light
Wired and Why Not
Tahoe Meadows
Tahoe Meadows
Bathrooms Deluxe


View of Lake Tahoe
It Is Snowing
Heading Up Relay Peak
Relay Ridge
Relay Ridge
More Amazing Views

Heading Up
Wired on Ridge
No Trail Here
Back to Trail
Melting Snow
View from our tents

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  1. Such a dream team! All 3 my mentors. Snow, down trees, mosquitoes,. . the constant disruption and challenge. Where to go? What to do?

  2. Looks like fun!

  3. The weather sure adds the visual drama (as well as the other kinds too). God’s amazing creation is powerfully beauy-full!

  4. Gary Goldsmith

    Awesome, I know ,over used, but great photos!

  5. Looks and sounds like you have an eventful day. Apparently you ladies don’t need no stinkin’ trail. And looks like Wired’s left pant leg blew out (or am I just seeing things)!

  6. Just look at all of those umbrellas… ๐Ÿ˜‰ xoxoxoxoxoxo

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