Day 3 – TST – High Sierra Goodness

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anais Nin

June 4
Saddle Above Broder’s Cabin to Mineral King – 12 miles

Stellar day.

Today we took the first TST alternate over Farewell Gap. It has a great Trail with lots of views and cool mountains. I highly recommend it.

We are at our first resupply at Silver City Resort with a cute little cabin, showers, and excellent food.

Morning view from campsite
Waterfalls on the way up Farewell Gap
Traveling up Farewell Gap
Looking at Farewell Gap – Center Middle
Heading up
Top of Farewell Gap
Heading down to Mineral King

All the navigation tools we are using for the trip – maps and iPhone GPS on Avenza Maps
Our cabin at Silver City Resort


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  1. Gorgeous photos! I actually found your post about the PCT class you do for kids first. What a wonderful program to teach the next generation so many valuable skills for hiking, and life. Thank you!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Hello Karen,
      Thank you so much. I have plans in the fall to redo the site and make it user friendly with print outs and updated links. Thanks for the motivation to do that and thanks for following along.

  2. Nick Nomm

    I just saw a video posted today of the PCT Woods Creek bridge crossing posted today on youtube, and it can be crossed just below the bridge without the bridge. I know you are not heading there, but it shows water levels are a lot lower than last year.
    Happy trails.

    • Mario Caceres

      I trust they will make the right decisions when they reach potentially hazardous stream crossings. The MF of Kings River near Simpson Meadows is the crux of this route early season. The crossing you are referring to occurs at a much higher elevation / closer to the sierra crest and is definitely not an indicator of what they will find at lower elevations.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Hello Nick,
      I sure wish it could have been safely crossed, but it was warm in the Sierras and all the snow was melting. At pass levels the snow was not freezing at night. We just happened to be there during the high melt.

  3. Randy Godfrey

    Looks SO beautiful! I miss the Sierra!

  4. When you mentioned Mineral King, my antennae perked up. I’ve wanted to go there but have read it is a bit difficult needing at least a 4×4 and then you need to put chicken wire around your vehicle so the Marmots don’t eat your wiring and such. Glad I finally get to see a few back-country shots near there. Glad there was trail.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      It is hilarious the very creative wraps owners have on their cars at the trailhead. Marmots do indeed eat car parts. They even have a payphone to call for assistance at the trailhead.

  5. Marilyn Crabtree

    I am loving your photos. Such beautiful areas. We live about 45 minutes from Carson Pass if you ever go that direction let me know. If you ever go near Crabtree meadows, we think this was named for some of our relatives who came to CA years ago from VA. Two sets of Crabtree’s headed west. One went the northern route and one the southern route. Distant cousins are in the Springville and Porterville area. Keep those photos coming!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Carson Pass! What a nice area. I certainly will look you up next time I am passing through your area.

  6. Christy: the quote by Anais Nin is one of our favorites. Kathryn made a painting and I added the words a few years ago. We’ll show it to you and Dan next time we see you. In the meantime, keep smelling the flowers.

  7. sharon a bryant

    Looks like you are truly enjoying yourself. Am trying to get your father-in-law set up on your site with his new i-phone so he can enjoy your hike vicariously thru you. lol Will you be going thru the Devil’s Bathtub area on this hike? Be safe! Hugz

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Funny, last fall Arrow and I went on a 3 day backpack that went right in that area. It is beautiful there. Well, anywhere in the Sierras can’t be beat.

  8. Great photos, lots of maps!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      I know! They were heavy. Arrow is hard-core. I would have cut them up and sent them ahead in resupply boxes.

  9. as usual stupendous photography and journal. Stay safe and keep on enjoying !

  10. Rockin’, am I correct in my recollection that you take your photos with a smart phone. Good Grief you get good results! I always love vicariously hiking with you in your blog.

    • Sally Evarts ( Arrow )

      Christy takes photos with a Sony A 6000 camera! Always lovely!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Richard, I WISH I could get photos like this on my phone camera. Someday….someday. I have tried believe me. Right now I take photos with my Sony a6000, then transfer them to my phone via wifi at night in the tent to post them in a blog entry.

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