Day 23 SHR – It has been a good ride

Finish Photo

“It is what we do.”
~From Grey’s Anatomy

July 13
Horse Creek Pass to Twin Lakes – 5.9 miles

Boy howdy what a memorable day.

After having our last bit of snow and taking off our micro-spikes for the last time, we beamed down Horse Creek Canyon. Just as we rounded a corner, a very handsome tall man came strolling around the bend and Why Not yelled out “Pete!”

We were met with the best trail magic ever. Pete is a good friend of Why Not. He drove all the way from Folsom to Twin Lakes to meet us with a fresh, hot breakfast of champions and good beer. Man oh man what an exciting complete surprise and treat. Thank you. Thank you Pete for taking the day off, organizing the food, driving, hiking, and your inspiring attitude!

Then we had another best greeting ever. Lovenote and Baby Juniper were waiting at the perfect spot to celebrate finishing the Sierra High Route. After a dip in the icy stream at Twin Lakes, we headed to Lone Pine with Lovenote. Thank you. Thank you Lovenote.

We of course stopped at the Whoa Nellie Deli to eat. I snarfed down a steak salad quickly.

All along we had planned to hike back across the Sierras on the High Sierra Trail to Wired’s car at Road’s End, if things went well and we could get a permit.

After rolling into Lone Pine, we hit the ranger station and believe it or not we secured a wilderness permit. Just happened that 7 hikers had cancelled. We hit the Sierra High Trail day after tomorrow.

I am now in a very comfortable bed after taking a much need bath in a jacuzzi tub at the Dow Villa in Lone Pine.

It doesn’t get better than this.

Thank you everyone for following along and encouraging us as we have trekked along this challenging route through the heart of the Sierras. 

Last time with the microspikes
Trail Angel Pete
Hiking last couple of miles

Lovenote, Juniper, and Huckleberry

Vibrating Alarm Wrist Watch ( I have the Vibralite Mini)

I stress out when I have to be ready at a certain time and I can’t hear my alarm on my watch when backpacking. I have looked for an alarm watch that is as loud as my iPhone with no luck. Right before I left on this trip, I was searching online and read rave reviews about the Casio Vibrating Wrist Watch. Last minute I couldn’t find that watch, but bought my Vibralite and it works and I now do not have to worry about waking up on time. There is no way I am sleeping through my arm gently shaking in my sleeping bag. 


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  1. Terri Works

    I met you in the lobby of the Dow Hotel soon after you arrived. It was great to meet you and inspiring. Thursday I did a five mile round trip hike to Lake Winnemucca off Highway 88 (Carson Pass) and now am looking for a hiking partner. You got me started and I thank you!
    Terri Works, Jackson CA

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thank you for sharing your fun news! Hope you had success finding a hiking partner. Meet-up groups are sometimes super helpful.

      Yes, hiking grabs your heart and never lets go. So happy for you. Wishing you many fun trips ahead. Great meeting you and thank you for commenting.

  2. Thanks for posting magnificent pics and commentary. Was wonderful to follow your travels. Awesome stuff for you all 🙂

  3. Always the best pics of the Bunch! Thanks for sharing your adventure. Am now thinking about the JMT . . .

  4. Thanks for sharing your adventure. You provided a glimpse into a part of the Sierras that even the most experienced hikers rarely see. It was fun to share a small part of it in Mammoth. Enjoy your journey home and don’t get too disturbed about the crowded trails. Until next time…

  5. Congrats! Great finish. The Apple Warch also vibrates (and does a bunch of other cool stuff, but costs a lot more and uses more power). I sure like keeping my phone in my pocket more when I hike though for less hassle and less chance of dropping it. The Gaia GPS integration is awesome. Although I know that this is overkill for many people who aren’t as geeky as I am. 🙂

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Oh that Apple Watch. Thank you for adding to the list of vibrating mechanisms. They work!

  6. The Three Bad*ass’! Wow, you really pulled that one off. Always cool to see you rendezvous with players from other hikes. Hope you have fun in Lone Pine and a good on-trail hike back to Wired’s car.

  7. Thank you SO MUCH for letting us share the glorious scenery you’ve traveled through. Your photos have all been great and it’s been wonderful to vicariously enjoy the SHR! Onward, to more happy trails …

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thank you Alan for commenting and following along. We feel very thankful we finished safe and whole.

  8. Nick Nomm

    Thoroughly enjoyed your SHR adventure. Thanks for letting me tag along through this medium.

  9. BeeKeeper

    Congrats! So proud of you three. Truly an inspiring team!

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