Day 20 SHR – Eat, Wash, Relax, and Repeat

July 10
Along Rafferty Creek to Tuolumne Meadows – 4 miles

It was a glorious day. Why Not and I talked Wired into taking a Nero today. We ate at the Tuolume Lodge both for breakfast and dinner, successfully picked up our resupply boxes from the post office, showered, ate lots of veggies, drank adult beverages, met a few inspiring people, camped at the backpackers walk-in campground, and simply had a fun relaxing time.

Early morning – Tuolumne River
This basically is what we wanted to do all day – Why Not taking a quick nap while waiting for a shuttle bus


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  1. My grandmother was an Abbey and her first cousin was Edward. How many miles how you hiked so far?? Enjoying the posts!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Well that is certainly cool!!!!!

      The whole route is around 200 miles.

      Thank you for commenting.

  2. Nero, ya! Hope that it was a super memorable one.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      As you well know… getting a shower and a hot good meal after hiking is simply delightful.

      Hope your hikes are going well! 🙂

      • I know the welcome back to civilization shower well! Just finished a trip in the Emigrant Wilderness with five close friends. Went to Gem Lake and my buddy and I left much earlier in the morning to return because we both had to travel back to SoCal. Our friend who has a cabin in Long Barn let us use it and it was so nice to get clean. And our hot meal was at Fosters Freeze in Merced; burgers and a Root Beer Freeze. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

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