Day 11 AZT- Suck It Up Buttercup

Rest. Observe. Savor. The journey is all we have.
– from the memorial of Gregory Fields

March 15
Antelope Tank to Mile 251.5
22.8 miles

I need to back up a bit. First, I am super rusty at blogging from my phone! Please forgive grammar, spacing, run on sentences, incomplete sentences and all the other little details.

Many of you were asking about the stolen wallet. Long story short:

-got out of Uber after snowstorm closed road. Complimented driver on how friendly Tucson is.
-while checking into motel, I slid my wallet into my skirt pocket but missed and it fell to the floor.
-I turned, took a couple of steps, turned back and it was gone.
-the security camera showed a lady scooping up the wallet and fleeing out the door.
-best part, I had both my credit card and ID in my hand, so she stole cash and my Kaiser Permanente card.
-some of you might think that I could have taken her on. I am a hiker, not fighter.
-handsome police filed report and that’s it.

Oh and I left out from yesterday’s blog. I got 4 of my fingers caught in a ranch gate. It was super tight and I could barely open the gate. I had to use a lot of leverage. Then I panicked when I realized that I had to clip it again and took some time to figure it out, but didn’t take in account that my hand could get caught. Anyway there were a few minutes there that I was super scared. All is good. It took an hour for me to feel the ends of my fingers again. Just might lose 3 fingernails.

So on to today. The hike was through open rolling hills with like no water except a beautiful water cache at Freeman Road Trailhead. I kept thinking, woman why aren’t you on a mountain bike through these passages?

I started listening to Heather Anderson’s new book Mud, Rocks, Blazes and realized that my throbbing feet and tight hip flexors were absolutely nothing compared to her ongoing suffering on her AT record. Hence the title of this post is from the book and what I kept repeating to myself. Those pains are a right of passage to all thru hikes I think.

Did not see a single person, just cows, large rabbits, a hawk, and lots of big black ants.

It is supposed to snow in the night. I am prepared. Campsite protected, gear tightened down. Thanks Ranger John.

⁃ Gorgeous weather
⁃ Solitude


  1. Oh my, some people just aren’t good (the wallet stealer). I love the photos. In spite of everything, you look happy.

  2. Georgette Theotig

    Christy, your spirit is in the hike, and everything else doesn’t matter. Good for you! I am envious of that gorgeous desert solitude. Enjoy the quiet and the sound of your steps.

  3. Hi Christy. I’m in my 80th year and have not been hiking in a while, not that I couldn’t:}, just took a fork in the road. I live in AZ and love the desert, so I am joyfully following your brilliant young spirit, as well as photos. I don’t suppose you will be traveling anywhere near us in Bullhead City; however, if you ever do, you have a free bed and bath here. Travel safe.

  4. Laneha Everett

    Love following you. Enjoying the picts too! So sorry about the tough start and wallet. Ugh! Prayers your hike is beautiful from here on.

  5. Ted Alstott

    Hopefully that woman needed your money more than you did and it’s going to. good use even now.

  6. Marilyn Crabtree

    I’m so sorry about your wallet being stolen. I can’t imagine someone doing that so quickly. Praying that the rest of your trip is without incident. Be careful and enjoy the beauty of your hike. Love seeing your pictures.

  7. Randy+Godfrey+(Arrow)

    Aw Rockin’, I’m sorry that your trip was off to a rocky start, but hopefully smooth sailing from here on out!

    It blows my mind that someone could have whisked your wallet away so quickly.

    I’ll stay tuned and can’t wait to read your upcoming posts!

  8. Haha oh farm/ranch gates – I got so sick of being inept at opening the damned things while on the Scottish National Trail last year that I began to just climb over every single one. After a while I just couldn’t be bothered anymore, and I was already used to precariously climbing over huge stiles so metal gates weren’t much different.

    I really hope that your fingers heal without any nail casualties!

  9. steve/hamburger helper

    You certainly packed your big girl skivvies for this trek! You’re killing me, Smalls!

  10. “-the security camera showed a lady scooping up the wallet and fleeing out the door.

    -best part, I had both my credit card and ID in my hand, so she stole cash and my Kaiser Permanente card.”

    Wow, ya just gotta love that. That person needs to get on the trail! Glad you had what really counted in your hands. That is a Divine blessing. And hoping that the Kaiser Permanente card is not needed at all on this trip (or any others!)


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