Day 15 & 16 SHR – Zippy Mammoth Zero / Back at it!

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.”
~Muhammad Ali

July 5
Can I just express how much I love the town of Mammoth? I had a great day meeting people, running errands, cleaning everything, and eating.

Some of the places I ate and visited are:
-library (the best ever)
-Food Cache (smoothies and great organic food)
-Mammoth Brewery (great food and drink)
-Black Doubt Brewery
-Mammoth Mountaineering
-Toomeys (loved the ahi salad) 

We did have a huge glitch.  Why Not and Wired’s resupply boxes were returned, so they are shopping for food for the next leg. 

Great news! Michael, a hiker and blog reader contacted us and offered his car to run errands. It worked out so perfectly. 

Later in the evening Why Not and I met Michael and his wife, Katherine for dinner at the Mammoth Brewery. It was fun getting to know them. Thank you Michael for helping us. We sure appreciate your generosity. 

July 6
Red’s Meadow to Inconspicuous Saddle – 9.3 miles

Devil’s Postpile * Nancy Pass 

We got a late start today, but made up for it hiking fast and later in the evening. Why Not’s real name is Nancy. It was entertaining to climb a pass with the same name as your hiking partner. 


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  1. Rockin’:

    It was my pleasure to lend a hand and meet you after following your exploits for several years. You and your amigas are an inspiration in so many ways! My wife Kathryn really appreciated putting a face and voice to your name so she’ll have a better picture when I read your blog to her.

    We leave for Bali in a few days and you can follow along on my blog:

    A final note: when I got home I immediately ordered a GG Mariposa backpack. Let the adventures begin!


    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      I am sure you will like the pack!

      So great meeting you and your wife. Hope to see you again. Maybe in Mammoth? Best in Bali.

  2. The quote is pretty great. And no, I don’t know how much you love Mammoth, but it seems like you like it a lot! I need to stop there someday. Been through there a few times but not gotten out of the car. Thanks for the inspiration to do that.

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