Day 13 SHR – 5 Bar Day

“Hey guys, can we just turn it off?”

July 3
Tarn below Bighorn Pass to Deer Lake – 15.4 miles

Bighorn Pass * Shout of Relief Pass * Cotton Lake * Horse Heaven* Tully Hole * JMT North * Virginia Lake * Purple Lake * Duck Lake Pass

Tough morning.

Our first pass ended up being a real challenge due to snow and route finding. Surprisingly, our micro-spikes really did the job gripping to solid snow. It was like having 4 wheel drive feet.

Today was an all in day. We committed to hike all the way to Deer Lake to set us up for town days on July 4th and 5th in Mammoth.

I have been burning through food like nobodies business. I usually eat 3 protein bars a day, today it was 4.

When we reached cell service for the first time in a week on the top of Duck Pass, Wired gave us an allotted time and was very clear it was time to move on. Seriously, I am not kidding.

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  1. Much fun to follow along. I’m impressed and inspired.

  2. Wow, Cotton Lake is so beautiful. Hard to believe that Wired would want to leave an area with service.

  3. Love it!

  4. letshike2

    Lol…Wired unplugged…WHAT!!
    Thanks for sharing the adventures!
    Happy Trails!

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