Day 12 NNML – Following Fire

I just love the blue blazes. ~ Sally (Arrow), Hiker and friend

June 14

Cano Canyon to West of Rinker Lake – 24 miles

Last night was cold, hard cold. Finally, a night to get cozy, zip up the sleeping bag, and hunker down for the night. It is so fine to be in the high mountains. 

Minutes after getting on trail, deer, coyote, and elk were spotted on a ridge. 

Water is now plentiful as we go north toward the high San Juan Mountains and the CDT is is well marked with blue blazes. Lots of them. 

We met up with with CDT hikers, Happy and Jack. Shortly after, we spotted fire just over the next ridge. We all decided to stay together for the rest of the day for safety purposes. 

The problem was…the CDT just kept going in the direction of the fire. Super frustrating and scary. Happy and Jack are easy going and good guys. 

Tonight we made it to a ridge separated from the smoke. That is good. 

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  1. Yikes.. glad you all stayed together and safe. I like that about the trail.. that it’s a community and everyone looks out for each other. Favorite pic? The meadow with water running through it… lovely.

  2. Well I guess it must still be pretty cool with that snow surviving in the shade.

  3. Lucy Grittman

    Hope the fire is a prescribed burn – kinda scary not knowing. The pictures are VERY pretty and sounds like you are having a good time. Stay safe.

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