Day 10 SHR – Taking on Snow-Tongue Pass

We are going to get to the point that when we see a hill, we smile, the higher the better.
~from the movie “McFarland”

June 30
High ledge above Evolution Valley to Elba Lake – 9.4 miles

Snow-Tongue Pass * Wahoo Lakes * Humphrey Basin * Puppet Pass

Brave – Courageous – Determined – Focused… This is what I think of as I watch these ladies take on scary terrain on the High Route.

Our first pass of the day was daunting. Three other hikers were on the pass at the same time. Believe it or not it was flustering having them there. We have become a little team making route decisions that fit us.

I even forgot to take a pass photo of all of us on Snow-Tongue.

Today we were able to use the snow to our advantage, as the miles of talus is under snow. Often we were able to travel on grassy ledges which is very forgiving.

Our group stopped a bit early at Elba Lake. I took the opportunity to take a dip, clean-up, bask in the sun, and organize my gear. It was glorious!

I continue to love the freedom of cross-country travel in the High Sierras with rhythm and peace.

Morning light over Frances Lake
Morning light over Frances Lake
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Climbing Snow-Tongue Pass
Top of Snow-Tongue Pass Looking Over the Edge! Yes, we go down there. Photo by Why Not
Top of Snow-Tongue Pass Looking Over the Edge! Yes, we go down there. Photo by Why Not
Snow-Tongue Pass
Wired and Why Not making their way down the huge boulders
Why Not glissading down the pass
Climbing up and over boulders
 Wahoo Lakes
Wahoo Lakes
Heading down from the pass
Humphreys Basin
View from Humphreys Basin from where we came
Mount Humpheys
Mount Humpheys
Mesa Lake
Mesa Lake
Top of Puppet Pass
Top of Puppet Pass
Attacking the boulders on the way down Puppet Pass
Attacking the boulders on the way down Puppet Pass
Heading down Puppet Pass
These gloves are magic for protecting fingertips on the rough granite
Elba Lake

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  1. Earl Williams

    Still amazed that you move through the talus and boulder fields with trail runners versus heavier boots.

  2. The picture description of you three should read “Puppet Masters”!

    Gardening gloves have been in my pack the last two years. I use them to collect fire wood and do other chores. Never thought of them for the use you three are using them for. I use a light weight liner glove for granite duty but then again, I’m not on the trail for months at a time like the Puppet Masters!

  3. Beautiful! I know it’s silly, but I get teary-eyed reading about your adventure and seeing the awesome photos.

  4. LOKI/Brian

    Glad to see your photos! ENJOY, ENJOY!

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