Day 10 – GDT – Just Be a Soldier

In the mountains there are only two grades: You can either do it, or you can’t. – Rusty Baille

July 15

Above Aldridge Creek to Elk Lake Campground – 24 miles

Tonight Why Not and I are camped at Elk Lake campground sitting by a shared fire, perched above a most gorgeous lake.

I even had the opportunity to talk about lightweight gear to a solo female from Montreal. I just love when I get asked to look in my tent and asked questions about my gear. All is good.

However, today was mostly walking uphill on dirt road, 18 miles in fact. It is hard on the back and feet walking walking and walking on hard dirt. My mind tends to just wander all over the place, I get distracted and it is just miserable. The guidebook for this trail said to soldier this section out. I wish I could say that I did, but there were a few times I could be found on the side of the road laying spread out in the grass.

What was interesting is many bikers that are starting the Great Divide Ride and the road was on their route. Some of the riders even stopped and talked to us. Very cool.

Tomorrow we are going out to resupply and stay at the Kananaskis Hostel to take a zero day off. I am so looking forward to all the little luxuries.

Early morning light from campsite

Aldridge Creek

Good morning sun
Walking power line tree cuts

Great views from the road

Walking the scenic dirt road

Sunset at Elk Lake


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  1. Marilyn Crabtree

    You always have such awesome photos. The photo with all the rocks looks challenging. But you both did it. Keep on hiking.

  2. Wow, all your photos are gorgeous, but this first one is so dreamy! Glad you’re getting a zero. Enjoy that shower and crisp sheets!

  3. “Sunset at Elk Lake” is just a stunning photo. Really, they all are.

    Road walking is one of the things I very much dislike about thru-hiking. I’m glad you thought a rest in the green grass was OK. Hope those little down times charge you up.

  4. Lynn Duncan

    Such gorgeous scenery!!

    My walk today is all hills, ocean view and wildlife (crows, seagull, a lizard and a surprise squirrel, which was right by the door to the hospital). At least this hospital has lovely surroundings.

    So I get to expand horizons in my mind which reading about your experience.

  5. Brian/Loki

    I am totally jealous. I wish I was out their
    with you. A concussion while sea kayaking
    in British Columbia is holding me back.

  6. The lake is beautiful. Has it been too cold to get in?

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