Day 1 Part 3 TST – Third Time Has Got to Be a Charm, Right?

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me.” Ayn Rand

October 11

Kaiser Pass Road to Rattlesnake Crossing – 11 miles

My family can be very direct. Over dinner 2 days ago, Dan and Bryn flat out told me to get back out and finish this trail. They said, ”We are finishers.”

So here I am in my tent solo hiking the last section of the Theodore Solomons Trail.

Thank you for all the well wishes for Arrow. She had a root canal yesterday and is recovering at home.

Also, thank you to John and Clare, my in-laws for driving me back to the Badger Flat trailhead where Arrow and I exited to Huntington Lake.

After dropping me off at 1:00 pm, trail beauty just blew up everywhere, from colorful aspens to pristine lakes nestled in rock cirques.

Gotta say though it feels just plain old weird being out here by myself.

Tomorrow’s trail has 8.6 miles of faint trail with lots of logs to maneuver up and over. Luckily, I have a good weather window. The day promises to be interesting.

Best Trail Angels – John and Clare
Captivating Trail
They Match my Shirt!
Potter Pass
Lower Twin Lake
Upper Twin Lake – Magical
Marriage – Rock and aspen
Inviting sign – next objective!
View on the way down to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River
View of South Fork of San Joaquin River from camp

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  1. Marilyn Crabtree

    You are definitely not a quitter. Beautiful photos, especially the aspens. Keep on the trail and you will finish!! Sorry that Arrow could not complete the trip but she will be proud of you.

  2. Adventuring solo in off-trail conditions is challenging, add in short days and unpredictable weather can become an epic challenge. With your time on ROUTES though, I have no doubt you have the right arsenal of skills.

  3. You are amazing! It’s a beautiful time of year in the mountains, but with less than 12 hours of daylight. Stay warm and enjoy the rest of this hike. I’m really interested in your trip, thinking this might be a hike I could undertake with my daughter next year.

  4. Hope you are having fun despite Arrow not being able to continue on with you. And hoping you are keeping warm out there in late shoulder season.

    Upper Twin Lake is quite the stunning photo!

  5. Lucy Grittman

    “On the road (trail) again”. Glad you are finishing the journey you started and so sorry that Arrow is not able to accompany you. Have fun and continue posting the fantastic pictures.

  6. Nice fall colors !!!

  7. Fast healing wishes for Arrow and for you, a sense of completion. ?

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