Day 1: NNML – I Made It!

The start at the Santa Fe Plaza

” I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

June 3

Santa Fe Plaza to La Veida Trail – 8 miles

It is simple relief when a month of planning a trip with all the logistics and obstacles comes together. So far…this one is a winner. 

Sally and I both successfully sent our resupplies, landed at the Santa Fe Airport, took Uber to the beginning terminus, the Santa Fe Plaza, ate at The Plaza Cafe that served grass-fed beef, and headed out walking out of town.

Very few hikers have walked this route: Brett, Not a Chance, Treehugger, and Arno. Sally and I will be the 5th and 6th. We are very thankful for Brett’s work and support on this adventure. 

One of the obstacles this year is the crossing of the Rio Grande River in the first 30 miles of the route. A ford on a regular snow year is manageable, this year not so much. We are carrying rafts and paddles on our backs until our next resupply at La Cueva. 

After getting off the plane and a 3:00 pm start, our sense of direction was so mixed up, we made some wrong turns getting out of Santa Fe. We laughed and soon hit the open land of Juniper and Pinon. New Mexico is quite fantastic.

Heading out of town
Getting mixed up and using our GPS
Open public land
Lots and lots of rules…
Route follows easements through very beautiful neighborhoods
First New Mexico Sunset


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  1. Absolutely stunning.. I have waited to start reading about your adventure as one of my “weekend lovelies” .. things I do on the weekend to feed my spirit! This is going to be epic!

  2. Beautiful area. How heavy is your pack with the raft attached?

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Over my comfort zone. We left with 4 liters of water, packrafts, and 4 days of food. I am sure it was at least 35 pounds.

  3. The adventure begins!

  4. I’ve never been to New Mexico but would love to go to Santa Fe. Some day.

    Looks like you had a great send off having a great meal before leaving town. Hope you have great weather and fun trails.

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