Day 10 AZT – Rough Start – Good Day

March 14

Oracle Hwy 77 to Antelope Tank โ€“ 23.6 miles โ€“ AZT mile 228.8

Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. -Mahatma Gandhi

After a plane flight, a snowstorm, my wallet stolen, an extended stay in McDonalds, and several Uber rides, I am now on trail.

Lucky it was cool and breezy today. This desert stretch has very little water and would be brutal in the heat.

The Arizona Trail is full of friendly people moving at warp speeds. Between mountain bikers and hikers that are more like trotting, it made me feel like a desert tortoise. I donโ€™t really remember feeling that way before.


โƒ Uber driver Guatelupe

โƒ Meeting trail angels from The Chalet, Marne

โƒ Dust free, cool day.

โƒ Well groomed easy to follow trail.

โƒ I am actually on trail, walking walking walking.

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  1. Pingback: Day 10 AZT โ€“ Rough Start โ€“ Good Day – Hike Mike

  2. Pingback: Day 1 AZT โ€“ Rough Start โ€“ Good Day – Hike Mike

  3. A rough start indeed, but it sounds like you bounced back beautifully.

  4. Lucy Grittman

    So ready to accompany you on a hike again (via computer) Sorry you had such a bummer of a start but know the rest of your hike will be magnificent. Prayers for you

  5. So sorry to hear about the stolen wallet. Hope that is resolved with no pain to you.
    As usually, am enthusiastically following your hike. Your photography is up to your usual high standard. That first photo, the selfie of you, is a real stunner! Truly beautiful.
    Best wishes

  6. So sorry to hear about your wallet. As others mentioned, it’d be good to read about the resolution of that incident.

    I noticed the red ring, red jacket, and big smile. So cool how the trail always brings that out in you, even with the wallet challenge.

  7. Yikes – tough start. Have a great hike and stay warm.

  8. Lynn Duncan

    Stolen wallet seems very significant! I hope you could stop use of credit cards and that you had copies of it and such. I know you have good support at home.

    You should have “interesting” weather!

  9. So sorry to hear about your wallet. ๐Ÿ™

    I’ve wanted to hike the AZT since my daughter and I became on the fly trail angels to someone finishing it. We were overnighting at the campground to do The Wave and served him choice wine and a cooked meal in my Westy. Memories are so valuable. Enjoy the trail wherever it leads you!

  10. steve/hamburger helper

    I know that there is a lot of space between your heart-stopping news “bullets”, like having your wallet stolen, and I hope that those spaces are filled quickly with heart-happy ones. I admire Ghandi and honor the wisdom of his quote. However, my experience is that we have a LOT of things happen that at first blush seem “insignificant” but turn out to be gate-keepers to truly important things. I eagerly look to find out how your stolen wallet, for example (not insignificant in my book) evolves into something very useful to you and someone else. Well, the evidence is in your smile. Thanks, pal.

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