Congrats Wandering Herd! – CDT Video Part 3

Tomorrow is a very special day.

If you have followed my blog this summer while my son and I hiked a 1200 mile section of the Continental Divide Trail, you no doubt enjoyed getting to know “The Wandering Herd”.  Silly Chili and I hiked much of our miles with hikers: Burly Whites, Love Note, Drop n’ Roll, Ninja, and Sweetfish. This intrepid, funny, and caring group will be finishing their last steps of the 2700 miles they have courageously walked from Mexico to Canada tomorrow, September 16th.

My son and I were indeed blessed to have been a small part of their epic journey. I owe much of our  success this summer to their humor, shenanigans, route finding, forgiveness, and care.

A HUGE Whoooooo Hoooooooo and congratulations as they complete this awesome accomplishment!

Ninja, Love Note, Burly Whites, Sweetfish, Silly Chili, Drop n' Roll, Rockin'
Ninja, Love Note, Burly Whites, Sweetfish, Silly Chili, Drop n’ Roll, Rockin’

Continental Divide Trail Part 3
Colorado/Wyoming Border to Lander Wyoming – July 10-19, 2013

Have fun traveling through the desert of Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin with the “Wandering Herd”  in the part 3 video of a 5 part series.

To view all photos in high-resolution from this CDT section visit the link below:

[vimeo w=640&h=350]


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  1. Keys To Paradise. I LOVE your photo stories!!

  2. More beautiful shots! Thanks.
    GoalTech from Portland

  3. Great tunes for great views! Thanks!!!

  4. Awesome. Good song too.

  5. I also love the quote in the first photo. I can absolutely understand that. I have a crew that I’ve backpacked the last four years with and I really do love being with them. Can’t wait till we do it again.

    The second photo reminds me of my crew. I have a photo like this on my desktop at work. Always makes me happy.

  6. Ya, awesome!!! Just loved following you and getting to know DNR, Ninja, Love Note, SBW, and the others through your blog. What a blessing you all were for sure. Thanks for sharing all of your adventures and to Grant too. Congrats on the 1,200 miles you both did. What a summer!!

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