CD Calendar ~ June

It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.
~ Frederick Douglass

June CD 2011 Photo

Kaweah Gap from Arroyo Canyon ~ Sequoia National Park
This short section of trail is part the High Sierra Trail that crosses the Sierras starting at Crescent Meadow and ending at Whitney Portal. This photograph was taken before a late afternoon storm hit. Quickly, the temperature dropped significantly and hail the size of dimes pelted the earth, and of course wind accompanied the event. All of this forced us to hunker down under a very small rock overhang and don all the clothes in our packs. The violence and speed of this storm is typical of the high Sierras in the summertime making for an unforgettable moment in time.


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  1. Great picture. Glad you didn’t also experience lightning.

  2. Love this picture, and your quote today!!!

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