Bound for Oregon

I am currently in route to hike the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon via Amtrak. The snow is mostly gone, but has been replaced with forest fires and mosquitoes. I think it is the true PCT experience.

The world and quote above is from the outside of the Bakersfield train station. Love it!




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  1. Great photo of you. You look so happy. Looking forward to following along on your journey.

  2. Just had a thought while reading your recent posts. There are so many hiking/backpacking/outdoor blogs abounding on the net. I realize why I believe yours is head-and-shoulders above them, and it’s a simple reason: your blog, Rockin’, is informative and classy! Praying you are fulfilled and safe with every step along your journey!

    • You are so very generous and kind. It is nice to know all that time at night messing with my camera and iPhone to get blog posts together is appreciated! You rock!


      • I sure agree too! I look forward to every post. I also forgot to mention, but I really loved the Sweatpants and Coffee quote. It was spot on for me.

  3. Many years ago I did most of the PCT in Oregon (when I lived in Eugene). Mostly on the way to climb Jefferson, Washington, Three Fingered Jack, and the Sisters. Great trail, great lava. Photography should be excellent.

  4. How exciting! You have a great experience.

  5. Wahoo! You’re on the trail again! -I leave next week for my 8-day adventure in Tuolumne Meadows YNP. Wahoo again!!

  6. Have a great hike !! Remember to post your resupply places so I can send you treats !!

  7. safe travels…god bless your adventure
    and most importantly HAVE FUN !

    can’t wait to read your blogs

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