Bags are Packed and I’m Ready to Go

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
~Henry David Thoreau

After hiking in the Southern California desert over the past 2 months, my gear needed cleaning and repair. My down bag is now clean and fluffy, the Neo Air mattress hole is patched, Gossamer pole strap fixed, and everything that could be cleaned smells great. I have packed 11 resupply boxes addressed to myself to trail towns along the PCT and have my last batch of spaghetti in the dehydrator.  It seems as though I have cooked, bagged, and bought food forever. The homemade dehydrated meals, fruits, and vegetables so far have been delicious.

2012 Food for Resupply

After processing all that I have experienced on the trail so far I thought it might be nice to have a summary of the miles I have traveled on the Pacific Crest Trail:
If you are a section counter, I have completed:

California Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and Sections P, Q, R
Oregon Sections A, B, C

If you are a mile counter, I have completed:
1593.7 miles of the 2663.5 miles of the PCT

If you are Rockin’ (that is me) I have passed through:
Many wilderness areas, national parks, national forests, canyons, mountain passes, tarns, and lakes. Visit the Pacific Crest Trail Association Fun Facts web page for cool data on the trail.

This summer I hope to walk the rest of California and Oregon. If I am feeling strong and life is good at the border of Oregon and Washington, I am going to just keep going to Canada. Who knows I just might finish the whole PCT in the next 2 months! Here are maps of what my path of 1,069.8 miles to walk looks like:

Silly Chili, Eastern Sierra Transit, Arrow, Amtrak, and Crater Lake Trolley are my Trail Angels and will be assisting in transporting me to get to and from the trail. Hopefully in some sections I just might have some company along for the walk from Wired, Silly Chili, Dan, Skyward, and who knows who else will join me.  My emotions now are very mixed. I am feeling so excited, but scared to death at the same time. I will be hiking ahead of the main pack of PCTers, so the trail will be solitary, but I am used to that.

While I am on the trail, I journal from my iPhone using iPhone photos and post blog entries when I have cell service. iPhone photos are not the best quality, but I think it IS super cool to have the visuals. Also, you can track me by clicking Track from the menu at the top. You can zoom in or out and view different types of maps. Very cool. This year Google Maps even has the PCT on the map to follow! I will be updating this map when I have cell service.

Just want to take and moment and thank all of you for following along. I so appreciate your support and cheering on. It is the difference sometimes between quitting and go on. Again, thank you and hope your summer is active, full of smiles, and of course outdoors.


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  1. I’m loving your blog and cheering you on with this next leg of your amazing, epic adventure! Northward bound! Carol

  2. I am happy to hear you are getting out yet again. Your picture of your food prep has caused a Pavlovian desire to hit the trail. It has been a pleasure to follow you this season. You have been an inspiration to me. If you decide to press on thru WA. Let me know. I will try to assist you in any way I can between White pass and Snoqualmie pass.The kids and I would love to bring you a box of Via’s and say hi.

  3. Ahh…what can I say that everyone else hasn’t already said. Ditto! Looking forward to your journals & photos. Have fun, be safe, and we’ll be with you in spirit!

  4. Excited to keep up with your journey. Praying’ for you Rockin’!

  5. Vaya con dios! I’ll be following your adventures from the sunny beaches of Sayulita and i know it will be a most fantastic journey! Have fun, stay safe, and i can’t wait to see the photos and follow along (while sitting in the sand with a mojito in my hand) :-))

    • Don’t know if an alcohol drink will be in my future, but I DO know Starbuck’s Via IS! Wishing you a summer filled with love, smiles, and of course the outdoors.

  6. snakebait

    Hey Rockin,

    Have you thought about buying an Sd card reader for your iPhone? Then you could shoot with your camera, import the photos, and then upload the ones of which you are really proud.

    Safe and enjoyable travels to you.

    Nel and Ulrike

  7. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Ready, set, trek!!!! So happy for you and looking forward to sharing the trail via your posts and pics.

  8. Donna Murren

    Praying for your journey, Christi. I admire you.

  9. Rockin’, so awesome to see your table full of food and hear all your gear is repaired and ready for take off. I’m very excited to follow along with you and can only imagine how excited you are!

    Thanks for sharing your acheivements. You’ve been quite diligent. And now with the summer you are on your way. Good luck and God Speed!

    • Thank you Warren. I also forgot to mention that I am sporting new shoes, same brand just new. The little things that make a hiker’s life…thank you for following along.

  10. I love your enthusiasm- I so want to hit the trail again, and I hope it works out to meet this summer! You asked about snow in WA-yeah, we still have a lot in the mountains, and late July/August is early to hike through, but if it stays dryer the rest of June (than other years – which it has so far) you may be ok. So far, it’s been a bit of a cool spring. But…time will tell!
    Best to you-

    • Skyward,
      You confirmed what I have heard. Hoping the weather stays warmer. I just think it might be a repeat of last year’s snow expedition. Should I trade out my regular lightweight rain jacket for a better one during July?

      • Teresa Skye

        No, you’re probably ok- July is usually dryer.
        Yeah- school is over- off to hike on a gorgeous day!
        Keep in touch

  11. Yellowstone

    PS, I LOVED Oregon! loved the green, the rolling gentle terrain and the shade and water. The mosquitoes loved me 🙂 Good luck!

    • I am armored! New white bug shirt, bottle of deet, head net, and everything sprayed with bug repellant that doesn’t wash out. Bring them on.

  12. Yellowstone

    woohoo!! You go, Rockin’!!! I’m proud of you and following all the way! I hope the snow is slight, and the mosquitoes are few. best wishes from Montana and Yellowstone.

    • I read your journal again and am hoping to be successful as you. Thanks for following. Please encourage Skyward to come and hike. I am so excited.

  13. Linda Dane

    You go, Christie!!!! Safe travels to you.

  14. So excited, so excited, so excited! I love the pic of all the food and seeing your stats. Oregon isn’t too remote. Really peaceful if you ask me. Each day you get to something cool. The trail hits all the highlights of the state, so you’ll see day hikers. Plus, you’ll be flyin’. You can do some big miles out of Crater too. I was with a friend an held back, but definitely thought it could have been a huge mileage day. I did most of the state solo and didn’t feel like it until after Mt. Jefferson for a bit…and then you’ll be with me! Yippee! Good luck:)

    • Okay I should mention that the homemade dehydrated food is at the back of the table of food. At first glance it looks like I am eating all candy and balance bars!!! Too funny!

  15. Clare Rosander

    It is very emotional reading all you have accomplished, and also saying farewell once again. You are so amazing and I love you dearly so take care, be safe and I will be praying for you the whole way.

  16. Mary aka Cordy

    Hi Rockin. I love your photos, thank you. I’m trail supporting my boyfriend Tom who is on the trail. He’s flp flopping and is up in No. California right now, near Lassen. Good luck. Mary

  17. Wow — I am impressed! Good luck on your next trip!

  18. Wired/Erin

    So excited, so excited, so excited! That food pic is great! I am currently sitting in a classroom watching Bill Nye for the third time and daydreaming of soon being on trail with you:) Don’t worry about OR. You cross so many popular sites that there will be plenty of day hikers. I did most of the state solo and didn’t feel like it.

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