August 30 – Ups and Downs

A simple idea can change the world. Whatever you dream. Keep walking.

Smedberg Lake to Stubblefield Canyon Creek
14 miles

2000 feet up, then 2000 feet down, 1000 feet up, then 1000 feet down. That was the pattern of our day. Lots of drops and climbs. I am not complaining really just giving the facts, largely because we hiked up and down through a green wonderland filled with lush forests, creeks, rivers, and wildflowers. What could be better?

At the beginning of our day we took the 1/4 mile side route to the famous Benson Lake.

Famous because it sports a large u shaped white sand beach. This is very rare in the high Sierras. I thought the sand almost looked like a truck had brought it in. It was a perfect place to enjoy a morning snack, rest, and gaze at the beautiful reflection on the lake of the mountains surrounding this interesting find. I do have to add that the beach and area around the lake had evidence of horse and cow use.

While traveling through this land I am constantly taking note of evidence of what the water levels were during this summer’s snow melt a month or so ago. I picture the wide and deep water ways and have a deep respect for the intrepid hikers that crossed, swam, or floated them.

I again enjoyed the healing waters of the Sierra and am now clean, well fed, and listening to the distant creek rushing lulling me to sleep.

Riviera of the Sierra

Benson Lake

Lunch near Seavey Pass

Kerrick Canyon


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