August 1 – The Poop Challenge

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
— Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan

Campsite 8C5 to Campsite 8M2
22 miles

Hikers talk about poop a lot. Animal scat is everywhere and everyone goes poop at least once a day. If you listen to a hiker’s conversations long enough it is guaranteed poop WILL be part of the discussion. Sweetfish decided it was time to challenge our group with a Poop Challenge just to see if it is indeed possible for thu-hikers to not talk about poop.

-everyone starts with one dollar
-any form of potty talk will require the offender’s dollar to be forfeited to whoever caught them
-if you are without a dollar, there is no conversation topic restrictions and you may talk of bowel and bladder functions to your hearts content. This makes the game interesting as the individual with no dollars can often make attempts at tricking one with dollars into some sort of mention of the unmentionable. Thus a dollar must then be handed over.
-the winner is whomever retained the highest amount of cash by the time the desired “end of game” location is reached. They then can buy ice cream (or whatever else they wish) with all the cash wagered on the game.
-there is no limit to the stakes wagered on this game. It is whatever you choose.

Thru hikers enjoy!!

Last night was the most intense thunder and lightening storm I have ever experienced. The loud roar of thunder and flash of lightening were almost simultaneous. Scary stuff. The storm lasted most of the night. Surprisingly, I unzipped my tent this morning to a beautiful pink sunrise.

With the game going on and only 22 miles to hike to our designated campsite, Love Note, Burly Whites, Silly, and I took a 2 hour lunch break at the highway that leads to Grant’s Village. Ninja, Sweetfish, and Drop n’ Roll decided to hitch into the village for treats and lunch.

We got into camp a bit early and was very excited when Ninja, Sweetfish, and DnR rolled into camp with Jiffy Pop Popcorn, makings for S’mores, and beer. This was the perfect celebration for our last night together on trail. Silly Chili and I will sure miss the fun and laughter of this Meandering Herd. Thank you guys for making this a memorable night.







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  1. Oh yes! Definitely going to try out the poop-challenge ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. It looked like A Grand Adventure you had this summer!

  3. Last nights are tough. I just had one with four good friends. I was only out for five nights but it was enough to get us all in sync and really enjoying each others company. Wilderness bonds and renews; its’ God’s gift to us. I’m really thankful.

    • I hiked many days solo over the last 3 summers. This summer was a whole different experience and I am thankful for it. It stretched me and made me grow as a mother, hiker, and human being. So great that you too shared the outdoor experience with like minded folks.

  4. Ahhh, bittersweet I’m sure to be ending. Great photo of you in the grass.

    • Smiling because
      1. it was the longest lunch break over the 2 month period
      2. there was a pit potty near by
      3. there was also a trash bin that I promptly utilized
      4. I only had 10 more miles to hike for the day
      5. and the best, I just finished the posts from the previous 2 days (I am holding my iPhone)

      Bittersweet, yes.

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