Arizona Trail Days 29-33

AZT Day 29 – Mary Poppins Strikes and a Very Lazy Town Day

“Life is just what you make of what falls in your lap, be happy, make the day happy. It’s all in your attitude.” ~ Dave McCoy

3 miles to AZT from Flagstaff to mile 585
April 7, 2022

We did not wake up refreshed nor very happy BUT the day made a major turn when our hiker friend, Mary Poppins (trail name) picked us up to eat breakfast at the “Toasted Owl” (highly recommend) and to do errands. Instant happy campers. We are hoping to see Mary Poppins again at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

After breakfast, chores, and all the Interneting, we heading out to hike a few miles to reconnect with the main AZT trail feeling recharged and ready for the final leg of our journey.

AZT Day 30 – Miles of Snow and Aspens

Some people say, ‘Never let them see you cry.’ I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.” — Tina Fey

AZT Mile 585 – 606.7
21.7 miles
April 8, 2022

This section had some challenging aspects: 5 miles of full snow, 5 miles of intermittent snow, messy forest, and trashy logged forest. On the other hand, the backdrop of the San Francisco Mountains and surrounded areas was exquisite. AND Mary Poppins struck again caching water for us at 2 separate needed locations. Thank you and rock on Mary Poppins.

Just before getting to the section of full snow we came upon one of the finest stands of aspens I have experienced. So much so, I made a separate bonus video that features this single stand.

We are heading out tomorrow for some waterless flattish miles of juniper forest. Such a contrast to today.

AZT Day 31 – Walking, Walking, and More Walking to Water and Open Spaces

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

AZT Mile 606.7 – 632.7
26 miles
April 9, 2022

Today was a lot of walking in dry open spaces and juniper forest. We had a 20 mile waterless section. Highlight of the day was walking 1/2 mile off trail to a wildlife waterer at sunset. We were in the company of a herd of elk and many birds.

AZT Day 32 – Windy City USA, Wild Javelinas and Ponies, Team Lounge

“I am trying to get every calorie in I can, okay.”
~Michelle Beiswenger

AZT 632.7 – 657.6
24.9 miles
April 10, 2022

Well it was blowing today and luckily at our backs.

One thing that Michelle and I have made a priority is to have fun on this hike. Part of that is taking quality breaks. Meaning not just sitting down for a minute or two, but full on reclining in the dirt into a lounge position. We now are referred to as “Team Lounge”. I think it totally fits and compliments the dusty lifestyle of the Arizona Trail.

Wildlife was abundant today with sightings of wild ponies and Javelinas, and our first bull. He didn’t like us.

Tonight Mary Poppins hiked in a bit to camp and have fun with us. Lots of laughter and just a little dancing.

AZT Day 33 – Heading to the Grandest of Canyons, Grandview Tower, Lounging at Starbucks, and Poppins Swoops In

You are the artist of your own life. Don’t hand the paintbrush to anyone else.

AZT Mile 657.6 – 678.4
20.4 miles
April 11, 2022

Welp… this morning I felt like I was drafting behind Michelle and Poppins as we flew into the town of Tusayan making a bee line for Starbucks. We spent the afternoon eating, drinking, charging electronics and well…lounging. We have just a few more miles to finish this 300 mile section of the Arizona Trail.

The plan is to get up early (4:30am) and hike the remainder 6 miles to the Grand Canyon’s South Rim to enjoy the canyon’s morning light. Tonight we are camped just inside the park border enjoying our last night together and appreciating our little homes in our tents.

AZT Day 34 – A Fitting Finish, Personal Barista, Incoming Weather

“Things are happening in the sky and we are out of here.”
~Christy Rosander

AZT Mile 678.4 – 684.8
6.4 miles
April 12, 2022

Alarms went off at 4:30 am to hike the remaining 6 miles (all on asphalt) to the South Rim. It was so suiting that we saw elk on the way. We have enjoyed following their hoof prints and morning sightings over the last 300 miles.

After getting to the rim and embracing our accomplishment with some photos and lounging, Mary Poppins popped out of the bushes with hot coffee from Starbucks.

Our timing is perfect with a new storm system moving in. “Team Lounge” plan a come back next spring to finish the remaining 100 miles of the Arizona Trail to the Utah border.

Michelle is heading back to work and I am heading to southern Utah for a few weeks to guide with @andrewskurka Adventures.

Thanks for following along and the fun encouragement and support along this journey.

Just 5 more days of hiking (South Rim to the Arizona/Utah border) to complete the Arizona Trail.
to be continued in May 2023…

*Arizona Trail Planning, Gear and Food Resources*

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  1. Randy Godfrey (Arrow)

    Aww, so much fun! I love this! Wonderful to see Mary Poppins in there!

  2. Well, I feel like I set the bar pretty high for myself to trail magic you in 2023, maybe I just have to hike with you instead!

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