Arizona Trail Day 5 – Open Views for Days

All the women. In me. Are tired.
~Nayyirah Waheed Poem

April 2

Gardner Canyon to Forest Road 231 – 19.6 miles (AZT mile 90) Plus 4 miles of accidentally getting off trail

Early morning hiking goodness – would ya look at the moon! at the
Sunrise over creek
Looking back at Mount Wrightson
Kentucky Home – an historical mining base and later cattle rancher home

Our only northbound travelers we have seen are bike packers from Australia

We got busy talking and enjoying this dirt road and missed a critical turn – 4 miles later we were back on trail – so stupid
This is an example of a good clear cattle tough for drinking water along the way. We used my Sawyer water filter to make it safe.
The Arizona Trail is a well-built and clearly marked trail


  1. Lucy Grittman

    Love your pictures and following along with you (in my mind) as you walk through some beautiful country. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Marilyn Crabtree

    Even though you got off the trail, I’m sure you enjoyed the first four miles until you realized you were off the trail and had to turn back. Glad you are having a great time together. Not sure I could drink that water even with a filter! You are amazing.

  3. Bear Chaser

    I too have been talking and missed a turn! Laughed all the way back. Enjoy your pictures and comments, it helps to ease the feeling of not being on the trail.

  4. Oh, Rockin’! You just can’t stay off-trail can you? I prefer vicarious adventure right now, and you sure can supply it.

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