“The more you celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate.”
~Oprah Winfrey

This weekend is the Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off (ADZPCTKO) at Lake Morena. It is where all the current PCT thru-hikers, along with PCT alumni, trail angels, etc. meet to kick off the start of the PCT hiking season. This is our 3rd year attending what I call my hiker Woodstock. So great to be literally surrounded by folks that love hiking, meet new hikers, connect with last year’s hikers, talk gear, and literally be engulfed in a sea of ultra-light tents.

In the 3 hours we spent at the Kick-off we were able to meet and see many of our favorite hiker friends and was even able to shop with KarBear from Tehachapi for a new solo tent. I am filled with happiness.

We are now on our way to hike the 31 mile section from Idyllwild to I10. The trail passes through the San Jacinto Wilderness and then dumps the hiker at I 10 where I started last weekend. We are toting ice axes and microspikes as this section crosses the icy and steep Fuller Ridge. It is a great day. I am thankful.




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  1. Awsome! Was hiking to Bertha Pk in Big Bear & passed a section of the PCT- no ice axes required there 🙂

    • Hello Maureen,
      How fun! I do miss climbing. The downside to thru-hiking is you feel like you are climbing multiple peaks a day, so going up to an actual top of a peak and signing a register is overwhelming. So sad. Have fun hiking!

  2. Lindsey Royal Anderson

    This looks SO fun!
    Curious when a good time to hike a section near central California would be?
    Thanks for posting such great photos, and I love seeing that sea of lightweight tarptents, too!

    • Hello,
      I hiked the central section from the middle of June to the middle of July a couple summers ago (Sonora to Belden). It really depends on the snow levels. This year will be no problem. This summer I will be hiking the section from Belden to Shasta the last two weeks in June. Hope that helps. Thank you for stopping by and for the fun compliments.

      • Lindsey Royal Anderson

        Hey, cool. Thanks for the tips, we will check out our book and some maps and maybe we’ll see you on the trail. Until then, we look forward to your blog updates!

  3. This is what I love about your blog, Rockin’: you are the only person I know (and I don’t even know you) who loves talking about hiking as much as I do. I think this community is so interesting and enjoyed following those PCTers last year (and this year) whose photos you posted. Thanks for sharing them. I’m looking forward to hearing about your next 31 miles.

    • It is reassuring that I am not to annoying to most readers. I am looking forward to talking hiking on your new blog. It was fun seeing hikers from last year and finding out what they are doing now. Gotta love this hiking community!

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