I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see.
~John Burroughs
PCT Hiker Dreams’ on Dick’s Pass
My ongoing quest to get outside and walk occasionally needs a reboot…and I am ALWAYS looking for great resources to do just that. Last summer on Dick’s Pass in northern California, I met Dreams’, a 2010 Pacific Crest Trail hiker. He since has been a valuable gear and information resource for me through his trail journal on Postholer.com. Be sure to check it out. For example, before he hiked last year he created an enormous field guide of flora and fauna and was very generous to send the files to me. I since have added them to Evernote, and now can view them easily on my iPhone while on the trail.
Getting back to the reboot. A couple of months ago, Dreams’ released a 45 minute movie featuring his entire 2010 PCT journey. His music selections in the video alone are enough to get you up, going, and planning. Thanks Dreams’ for the okay to feature this film.
Dreams’ Vimeo Video Description:
This is a chronicle of last year’s thru-hike by Dreams.
In 2010, Drew Reams (trail name “Dreams”) thru-hiked 2,700 miles from Mexico to Canada along the Pacific Crest Trail. Over 500 hikers started the trail this year, but due to the exceptionally deep snow less than 100 completed it. Dreams departed from the Mexican border on May 5, 2010. On the way, he passed through the beautiful Southern California desert mountains, snow-covered Sierra Nevada, and majestic Cascades. He stepped into Canada on September 13th, 2010. This movie consists of footage shot from his tiny 7 ounce handheld HD video camera. It provides only a very small taste of the interesting people and abundant nature he encountered during his 4+ month walkabout. Headphones highly recommended. To view full screen, click on the four arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/19919643 w=400&h=300]
Beautiful and amazing. thanks for being so kind and genuine as well as giving and caring. Your restoring my faith in honesty and warmth in the human nature.
Glad you liked the video. You are very kind. Readers, Dan is from Alaska and is currently hiking the PCT and now is in Idyllwild. He has a great blog with pics. You can follow him at: [email protected]