San Jacinto Peak

“Where does all the white go when the snow melts ?”

San Jacinto Peak
After the PCT Kick Off we headed to climb San Jacinto Peak right outside of Palm Springs, CA. It was a great opportunity to practice some the sweet skills on the snow we learned at the Snow Mountaineering Class and of course test some new and old gear. This mountain is fun to climb and has fantastic views from the top. Planning on going back for more.

LENGTH 11 miles round trip
10834 feet
2318 feet
Started at top of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway to Round Valley then to the summit
DIFFICULTY moderate to strenuous, on trail when snow free
Year round
During Winter and Spring the trail is snow-covered with snowshoes, crampons, and ice axe recommended
Loved, loved, loved the Snowline Microspikes. They worked great going uphill and down. They gave just the control needed not to slip and slide, but would give enough to boot ski on soft snow. The extra control meant keeping better balance and using less energy. They also kept in place and were very easy to take off and on. I am not leaving for the Sierras in June without them.

Click Here to View Additional Photos of the Climb on Flickr




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  1. nice pic with the ice axes!! I still haven’t ordered one.
    I got hammered in an ice storm the other night/morning before getting into Wrightwood, a fine time to lay low for a couple days! Will tackle Baden-Powell with my Microspikes on Thursday, hope it didn’t get too many inches, shouldn’t be too bad. Then onward and headed your way!

    • So where were those googles and baclava when you needed them? Gotta love S. Cali in the spring!!! Happy B-day and see you soon.

  2. Ma Clare

    Hey, love the animated picture. Bryn is rubbing off on you guys. Made me smile, then I saw the elevation and gasped. You two are just too tough.

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