Day 14 SHR – It Should Have Been Easy – Town Brains

As we all know, dreams don’t come true without a lot of failure. ~from the movie “Walt before Mickey”

July 4
Deer Lakes to Red’s Meadow
9.4 miles

Mammoth Crest * Red’s Meadow * town of Mammoth

Weeeeeellllllllll…….you would think 3 hikers that have been using map and compass hiking over yonder and dale would not get lost on a trail.

We did.

I think we were so excited about getting to Mammoth for a zero day we lost our heads and didn’t check our maps. We ended up having to backtrack cross-country over many a downed log. I even flipped over one of them, landing safely but with more scrapes and bruises here and there.

I take responsibility.

I rolled into Red’s tired, thirsty, bloody, and starving.


We are in Mammoth for a couple of days to resupply, refresh, repair and replace some gear.

It is so good.

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  1. Glad your flip was right back on your feet. And glad most of the blood is still in your vein! Hope Mammoth is an amazing rest and fun stop for all three of you.

  2. Anita Turner

    . . . . . . Enjoy reading about the details of your hike. Why Not (Nancy) is my long-time hero, and I live through her adventures too. At one time, I was a hiking fanatic and loved every minute. Now, I am content to sit in the bleachers and cheering other hikers on. Hikers have a special bond with outdoor geography and ususally a heighten sense of how to stay out of trouble. This is always an experience made richer by sharing with others.

  3. Isn’t that the way it usually is in the backcountry: when you relax and say, I got this, you usually lose your edge and fall over a log.

  4. Be safe out there!!! Enjoying following along!

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