5 Easy+Lightweight Backpacking Food Tips

If you are looking for some cool ways to pack and eat food on trail then these tips are perfect. Here are my 5 top backpacking food tips that I have been loving:

1. Backpacking  with Potato Chips

Start with the healthiest chips possible made with only 3 ingredients: olive oil or coconut oil or avocado oil, potatoes, and salt. Some of my favorite brands are Trader Joes, Jackson’s Honest, Boulder, and Kettle Chips. If you are hiking in an area that critter or bear proofing your food is necessary, condensing the volume down is critical. Simply poke a small hole in the chip bag to let the air out, smash chips down with the power of your hands, then pour the contents into a quart size bag. This technique works with crackers and cookies. I like to take 2 bags for longer multi-day trips or use a gallon size ziplock. This technique also works with Sweet Potato Chips, crackers and cookies.

The chips are filling, have lots of fat, can be eaten alone, scooped out with a spoon, poured into your mouth, and can be sprinkled on almost any backpacking meal. Voila!

Start with a full size bag of chips and a quart size ziplock or a gallon size ziplock for 2 bags of chips (for longer trips)
Start with a full size bag of chips and a quart size ziplock or a gallon size ziplock for 2 bags of chips (for longer trips)
Smash them up and pour into ziplock
Smash them up and pour into ziplock

2. Packets

Adding a variety of small packets of seasonings, drink mixes, olive and coconut oil, and flavorings make eating out in the backcountry simple and delicious. Here are some of my favorites:

Justin’s Almond Butter, Starbuck’s VIA coffee, TRUE lime or TRUE lemon, Trader Joe’s Chile Lime Seasoning Blend (introduced to me by Why Not)Tapatio Sauce Packets, Olive oil, Coconut Oil

Extra tip: I store salt and seasonings in small plastic pill pouches.

Trader Joe’s Chile Lime Seasoning in pill pouch and Tapatio Seasoning Sauce


3. Ziplock Plastic Screw Top Container

I was first turned on to these magic little containers by Kit and Jacob. The containers are perfect for mixing a shake, eating food out of, soaking cold food to eat later, a cozy for freezer bag cooking (what I do), and a mug for drinking cold or hot coffee. They are durable, easy to clean, and can be purchased in a 3 pack inexpensively. A small mug also fits right inside. I use the 16 ounce size.

WRHR 2016 -Day 1 (5)
Ziplock screwtop container
WRHR 2016 -Day 1 (4)
Using my ziplock container as a cozy and container to eat out of

4. Bamboo Spoon

This is no ordinary spoon. It is a bamboo spoon. For those of you that hate the feel of metal in your mouth, this just might be for you. For some reason my metal spork was cutting my upper lip. I tried this spoon available at Gossamer Gear and I love it. The handle is long for dipping into quart size bags, it is strong, easy to clean, and lightweight.

5. Quart Size Freezer Ziplock Storage Bags

I am not a calorie counter, but I have found that a quart size bag full of food is a good measure for daily food needed (breakfast, snacks, and lunch).

The quart size freezer bags also work perfectly for repackaging dinners and for cooking dehydrated meals (freezer bag dinners). Add boiling water and let sit. No cleanup. Just enjoy.

Left: Daily food bag with breakfast, snacks, and lunch Right: Dinner – Annie’s Gluten Free Mac’n Cheese, 2 olive oil packets, 2 tbsp butter powder

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  1. Nice post! We recently bought the BlueBeach Collapsible Bowl for Hikes but also Camping. They are suoper convenient, as they can be folded down when not used and fit perfectly into every backpack. I also love raw bites for my hikes, they give me great energy and are vegan + super healthy.

    Thanks for the tips!

    Jasmin from https://thehiketribe.com/de

  2. For Alma – I have been carrying those small 100% 1/2 & 1/2 containers on my trips, cause I love 1/2 & 1/2 in my Coffee. I just found someone else’s tip: Heavy Cream Powder. It looks like you have to rehydrate it over nigh, but gets good reviews from backpackers. I just ordered to try out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A03E494/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    And thanks for all of your tips Christy!


  3. So I am a coffee, splenda and creamer person…what are any tips you may have…

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      If you would like a healthier version, on my last Death Valley trip I drank this mixture in the morning and loved it. It tasted good, is very healthy, and gave me good energy.
      Morning Coffee Recipe Mixed in a Ziplock Plastic Screw Top Container:
      1 packet Starbuck’s Via Coffee
      1 Tbsp. Powdered Coconut Cream
      1 Tbsp. MCT oil
      1 Tbsp. Collagen Powder
      Tips: You could omit the Coconut Powder and get the same healthy results. If you drink this hot, don’t screw the lid on and shake, it swells the container.

  4. Thanks for the tips! I can’t backpack without potato chips. Also corn chips with rehydrated refries and a Cholula packet. Shortbread cookies are yummy and loaded with calories.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      You have some mighty fine food tips. All cookless if needed. Delicious. I love Walkers Gluten Free Shortbread Cookies. Problem is they do not last long. Thank you for taking the time to share.

  5. Lori Flesher

    I love coconut cream powder! Re-hydrates in warm water. Add a little curry spices and any protein and veg becomes something special. Nutritional value: 190 calories per 2 tblsp serving, 14g total fat. https://www.amazon.com/Coconut-Cream-Powder-Chao-Thai/dp/B0095VQH5M/ref=sr_1_6_s_it?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1521512993&sr=1-6&keywords=coconut+cream+powder

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thank you for sharing!

      I love coconut cream powder too! I have only used Nature Forest brand. I wish I could find a powder that would dissolve in cold water. My favorite dinner recipe with coconut powder comes from, hiker friend Drop n’ Roll: Rice noodles, curry powder, coconut power and dehdrated chicken. Super yummy and filling.

  6. thanks for the recommendations.
    Will try them out next month!!
    What exciting journies do you have planned for this year??????

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      You are very welcome. Hope they work for you! And where are you hiking next month?

      Funny you asked, I am in the middle of planning a variety of trips. Winter decided to visit California finally, so that changes some things up. I am planning on continuing some sections of the Hot Springs Trail and finishing up the Northern New Mexico Loop. How about yourself?

  7. Potato chips are the best!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Yes they are. Well… and some people would say Nutella or dark chocolate too!

  8. Do you screw the lid on when you use as a cozy? I currently use a homemade aluminum bubble wrap cozy, but it’s kind of hard to eat from.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Hello Shannon,
      I just set the lid on top if I do not bring a bubble wrap cozy for hot meals. If I carry my cozy that is a bubble wrap (usually on group trips), I take the food out of the cozy and set the ziplock cooked dinner in the bowl like the photo to eat out of. If you are cold soaking the screw top lid works perfectly! I hope that helps and makes sense.

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