2012 PCT Plan and Gear on Pinterest

Let the 2012 Pacific Crest Trail planning begin! This spring and summer I hope to complete the remaining 921 miles I have not hiked in California and Oregon. Yep, 921 miles, just a tad over the 500 mile a summer goal I made a couple of years ago.

The plan is to hike from the Mexican Border to Idyllwild  at spring break and the big miles starting the first week in June during the summer. I am lucky that my teacher schedule works nicely with the thru hiking lifestyle. The past couple of summers I posted daily trail journals on my iPhone from the trail and am looking forward to doing the same again. It was so encouraging hearing from readers following and cheering me on, especially when things got tough or I made small accomplishments. So great.

Also, I am again looking forward to meeting, helping along, and housing a few of  this season’s hikers. Check out the 2012 hikers I am starting to follow in the right menu.

I have just finished creating a visual of this year’s PCT gear list, compliments of Pinterest and Cali Travel Girl. My daughters are big fans this fancy online community bulletin board. Who knew this very cool site could be used for a PCT gear list? Simply click on a bulletin board to view all gear, thoughts, and details on Pinterest. Questions? I always love talking gear.

2012 PCT Gear on Pinterest2012 PCT Clothing on Pinterest

2012 PCT Misc. on Pinterest2012 PCT Technology on Pinterest

2012 PCT Misc. on Pinterest


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  1. Hi Rockin’
    You may of heard how our beloved JMT trail took a beating from the wind in Dec’11. Estimates of 10,000 trees blown down from Whitney to Island Pass, with heavy damage from Fish Creek – Reds Mdws – Island pass. The PCTA has a benign article on it under General Info/News.
    I mention it in your blog because of your wide audience and close friends that will be on the PCT this year.
    The main point, as you and Wired know: is that you all rely on Reds Mdw as a resupply point. And since many of the northbounders hit Reds early in the season, it would be wise for them to check with Reds Resort to see when they will be back to normal. Or perhaps PCTA could maintain a status page.

    FYI: Even the bath house got clobbered. 🙁

    The Story: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/inyo/alerts-notices/?cid=stelprdb5352071
    Photos: http://www.fs.usda.gov/photogallery/inyo/home/gallery/?cid=3635&position=Quicklinks


    • Hello Dave,
      Wowww. The damage in the photos is immense! AND the bath house…so sad. I heard the wind was from a different direction that caused the trees to fall. Very scary what Mother Nature can destroy so quickly.

      Thank you for posting this valuable information for upcoming hikers.

  2. Wow I’m am super slow at finding out who the awesome folks are that have me linked to their site. Thank you SO much for following me and I can’t wait to read your journal! Happy hiking! -Kellie

    • Hi Kellie,
      So excited for your upcoming hike. If you are passing through Tehachapi before June 5 and need rides, errands, or a place to stay just email me. We would be glad to help in anyway.

  3. Hey Rockin’ – thanks for great posts, trail wonderfulness and everything else. Sorry I missed you last year, but this year I”m sure to say hello. I’m starting really early so I can transition better in the HYOH mode. Good luck on the 900’r this year and congrats for when you finish it!


    • Hey Dan! Good to hear from you. I am hiking the section from the Mexican border to Idyllwild the first week in April and from Cajon Pass to 138 the first week in June. We are hoping to be of any assistance while you pass through our town. Fingers crossed. 🙂

  4. Woohoo 921 miles! Go for it! Looking forward to meeting you in Tehachapi. We went on a day hike with Chinchilla and Pyrite last weekend and they said you are an excellent trail angel. 🙂 Also, thanks for listing our blog on your site. We just returned the favor.

    • How funny! I was just messaging with Chinchilla last week and she mentioned going on a hike with a future PCT couple and how much she enjoyed it. I didn’t even ask details about who it was and I guess it was you guys! I love this world!

      • Okay that is really funny. Anna and Chris, if you see Chinchilla and Pyrite again tell them hi. They are great people and cooks. We are still waiting for their secret pie recipes!

  5. Yeah! Get Psyched! I’m so excited to try and join you in Oregon. I’m also going to give a list of those I’m following and our list is almost identical. I’m really rooting for Heart! Also, checkout hiking26.com for the pure spectacle of it. I don’t want to follow, but I can help but find out how far he makes it!

    • ..our…as a teacher, that typo bugs me too much to let it go!

      • 1st – I fixed “our”. 2nd – I saw that site and quickly closed it. Dan, my husband could barely get me to try on one of those dresses, much less wear one of those white things. Just the thought of hiking in one made me dizzy. Really. Honest. 3rd – Please send additional suggestions of hikers to follow. I will add them to this site.

        • 1st-Whew! Thanks! 2nd-Hilarous and I must hear more about this at a later date…but really how can you NOT watch that spectacle!? 3rd-That was the only other one I had so far that you didn’t have, but I’ve yet to look through them all on the sites. I’ll keep you posted as the season goes on and I discover more.

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