2011 PCT Plans

If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish.
~Charles Dickens

PCT Sign

I want the thank everyone who followed, encouraged, and cheered me on last summer while I hiked the PCT. It is just so cool to have support not only from friends and family, but also from new incredible people I met online and on the trail. One of my fondest memories was when I was eating a load of instant potatoes, literally, while I was sitting in a large metal pipe that the PCT follows under Highway 80, north of Donner Pass. I was feeling pretty discouraged, largely because of days of constant route finding due to snow, making a ton of decisions alone, and I just couldn’t seem to get enough food. I kept repeating to myself “What were you thinking, you really shouldn’t be here alone”. Then I checked this blog, where I was posting a daily trail journal and received this truly life saving reader comment from a dedicated teacher and his lovely wife:

Rockin, your doubts considering going home would be unthinkable
for you! Just watched Nat Geo PCT on tv and they said PCT Rule 14 is
Be Unstoppable, and Rockin, that is you! Best wishes!

Well that certainly turned things around! With a renewed sense of purpose and energy, I again hit the trail. How could I not???

For the last couple of months I have been having way too much fun planning gear, resupply, itinerary options, and food for this summer’s Pacific Crest Trail section thru-hike. To get ready and plan I have been reading online journals from last year’s 2010 PCTers for tips and recommendations. I also have been meeting future 2011 PCTers through blogs and websites. A list of this year’s PCTers that I am following online are on this site in the right hand sidebar. These determined hikers are currently very busy preparing to start at the Mexican border usually by the end of April or first of May. Check them out.

Dream Plan for this Summer:
This year is definitely a record high snow year in California, as was last year. A couple of years ago in the month of July, I hiked along side my family with no snow and no stream crossings, the 225 mile John Muir Trail, through the Sierras. The John Muir and the Pacific Crest Trail follow the same path with the exception of a few miles north of Mammoth. My dream is to experience it with miles of snow and difficult stream and pass crossings. I don’t want to miss this opportunity.

1st Part of Plan:
Leave from Kearsage Pass trail head out of Independence, CA around the middle of June and hike to Sonora Pass (north of Tuolumne meadows outside of Bridgeport, CA) with resupplies at Vermillion Valley Resort, Mammoth Lakes, and Tuolumne Meadows. This section follows the spine of the High Sierra Passes.

2nd Part of Plan:

Arrange for a ride from Sonora Pass to Buck’s Summit south of Belden, CA (where I left off last year). Then hike from Belden to Crater Lake National Park, Oregon during the month of July with resupplies at Belden, Old Station, Burney Falls, Castella, Etna, Seid Valley, and Hyatt Lake Resort.

Crazy Spaghetti Summary:
A month and a half traveling a mere 790 miles with 90,000 feet of elevation gain…YES, you read that right! Rockin’ will be walking, stomping, casually strolling, dragging, slogging, trudging, running, skipping, lumbering, rest stepping, roaming, wandering, and hiking up 90,000 feet! All I am sure with a happy and positive attitude. 🙂

This all just seems like crazy spaghetti! Gotta love it.


BTW: I have added and updated my gear list for 2011.
2011 PCT Gear List


  1. You post great articles Just bookmarked !!!

  2. Whoo-Hoo! So exciting! It will be great to see you along the trail if we overlap. I think you might be the first person I know intentionally looking for snow in the Sierra. I like your maps of the sections. How did you do that? I might include one every few weeks when I get a chance to get a slide show of my pics uploaded for a section. I didn’t see your stove listed on your gear list???

    • Oh! I just noticed where the maps came from! The PCT Planner! I hope to use these if I get time to upload slide shows every 2-3wks.

    • Good catch. This year in the sections I am hiking solo, I am planning on going stove-less. A new skill set. In the next couple of weeks I will be doing a lot of recipe testing. Yummmmm. Gotta love the challenge of the Sierras in a very high snow year!

  3. Hey Rockin-
    love your blog. And that you’re going to be out on the PCT this season-hopefully we’ll see you on the way:)

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